I was trying to export a table to word using the esttab and outreg2 command that I am familiar with. Every time I tried it the exported table only contained the last of three columns
The regression code I used is the following:
The codes I used were
outreg2 using results.rtf, append ///(or replace) and
Which code do I have to use to export the entire three columns to a word file
I was trying to export a table to word using the esttab and outreg2 command that I am familiar with. Every time I tried it the exported table only contained the last of three columns
The regression code I used is the following:
foreach grp in n i o { quietly regress lrgdpw85 lsav lpop if `grp' estimates store est`grp' } esttab estn esti esto, b(%9.2f) se(%9.2f) r2(%9.2f) /// title("Unrestricted regressions") estimates clear eststo clear
outreg2 using results.rtf, append ///(or replace) and
Which code do I have to use to export the entire three columns to a word file