Hello everyone,
I am estimating the differences between migrants and natives in terms of access to welfare using a very simple linear probability model:
reg welfare migrant controls, vce(custer id)
where welfare is a dummy taking value one if an individual receives welfare. I have longitudinal data but cannot use fixed effects since migration status does not change over time.
However in a second stage I estimate another equation substituting the dummy "migrant" for a vector of dummies capturing the number of years since arrival into the host country:
reg i.ysa controls, vce(cluster id)
where ysa is a variable that takes value zero for natives and values from 1 to 20 for migrants. Therefore "i.ysa" generates 20 dummies and leaves natives out as a reference category.
My question is whether this second equation can be estimated using fixed effects, i.e.:
xtreg i.ysa controls, fe vce(cluster)
To my mind there should be a collinearity problem since there is no variation over time in the reference category. However, the code seems to work and I get estimates. Does anyone know the coefficients should be interpreted and why there is no collinearity problem? Any help is more than welcome
Thanks in advance.
I am estimating the differences between migrants and natives in terms of access to welfare using a very simple linear probability model:
reg welfare migrant controls, vce(custer id)
where welfare is a dummy taking value one if an individual receives welfare. I have longitudinal data but cannot use fixed effects since migration status does not change over time.
However in a second stage I estimate another equation substituting the dummy "migrant" for a vector of dummies capturing the number of years since arrival into the host country:
reg i.ysa controls, vce(cluster id)
where ysa is a variable that takes value zero for natives and values from 1 to 20 for migrants. Therefore "i.ysa" generates 20 dummies and leaves natives out as a reference category.
My question is whether this second equation can be estimated using fixed effects, i.e.:
xtreg i.ysa controls, fe vce(cluster)
To my mind there should be a collinearity problem since there is no variation over time in the reference category. However, the code seems to work and I get estimates. Does anyone know the coefficients should be interpreted and why there is no collinearity problem? Any help is more than welcome
Thanks in advance.