I am graphing point estimates and confidence intervals for two different groups. In the legend, I would like to have the key for point estimate to be overlaid over the key for confidence intervals. But the key for point estimate is displayed next to the key for confidence interval. Is there any way to overlay the keys? Here is the code:
graph twoway (scatter beta_group1 run_group1, msize(vsmall) mfcolor(black) mlcolor(black) msymbol(diamond)) (rcap low_group1 up_group1 run_group1, lpattern(solid) lcolor(black)), || /// (scatter beta_group2 run_group2, msize(vsmall) mfcolor(gray) mlcolor(gray) msymbol(triangle)) (rcap low_group2 up_group2 run_group2, lpattern(dash) lcolor(gray))