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  • Need your help for instrumental variable estimation on panel data with binary outcome

    Dear usesrs
    I am doing research on the impact of mentoring programme on employment. The outcome variable (called employment) is binary (1=got an employment, 0=otherwise). The independent variable is “Status” (0=Control group; 1=Treatment group). And I have 2 controls variables (sex, and age). I have panel data.
    First, I run the impact of offering the programme (ITT) on the outcome using a mixed effect logit model on panel data.
    To avoid endogeneity, I have chosen an instrumental variable (called Participation) (with 0=Do not really participate in the programme; and 1=Participate in the programme). I would like to run an instrumental variable mixed effects model on panel data. I would like to know if the command “xtivreg” is appropriate. I mean the following command with stata 16.1:
    Xtivreg Status sex age (status=Participation),
    I am facing problem with the good command as the outcome is a binary variable and also, I am in face of panel data. Need your help please!!!

  • #2
    It's ok to use -xtivreg-, but I'm a bit confused about the endogenous variable and instrument variable. The independent variable in the ITT equation (random treatment assignment -- "Status"?) should be the IV for the self-selection into the program ("Participation"?). If I understand correctly, the code should be

    xtivreg employment sex age (Participation = Status), options


    • #3
      Thanks Fei Wang for the code. My concern now is the code. How to set the options to ensure that I am taking into account the mixed effect?


      • #4
        A conservative setting would be

        xtivreg employment age i.period (Participation = Status), fe vce(cluster Status)


        • #5
          The new code is not clear for me. Could you please provide more explanations?


          • #6
            Option -fe- means controlling for individual fixed effects, -vce(cluster Status)- means standard errors being clustered at the treatment level, and -i.period- means period dummies.


            • #7
              Is it possible to control for both individual fixed and random effects in the same model?


              • #8
                Originally posted by Rodrigue Kaki View Post
                Is it possible to control for both individual fixed and random effects in the same model?
                No, you can't. They are competing estimation approaches.


                • #9
                  Thanks Fei Wrang

