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  • Issues with Two-way graph labels

    I would be grateful for some advice. I think something trivia is wrong with my codes but I can't seem to pin point to it. The labels in the categories seem too large and it overlaps with the title on x-axis. The corresponding bins/distribution is also off. Please see image for a better visualization. Below are my codes. Thank you. LG
    collapse (mean) Fin_Distress, by(Income_Expenses)
    twoway connected Fin_Distress Income_Expenses, mlabel(Fin_Distress)xlabel(0 "Spend less than income" 1 "Spend equal to income" 3 "Spend more than income") plotregion(margin(large)) xtitle(Expenses vis-a-vis Income)
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Please note from the longstanding request to post graphics attachments as png and to give data examples.

    After collapse your dataset consists of just 3 observations and 2 variables, small enough to give in its entirety.

    The problem lies in design:

    1. You have placed at 3 an x axis label that belongs at 2.

    2. More crucially, you just do not have enough space to show those lengthy text labels unless you reduce their size to microscopic. You could shorten the text or use a horizontal design.

    How is financial distress measured? I would expect to see a distribution of values for each category of income compared with expenses.

