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  • Question about Wald tests of linear hypotheses

    Hi everyone,

    I'm conducting multi-group SEM in Stata 16.0. Because my data uses survey weights, I tested for group differences using Wald tests of linear hypotheses (as recommended elsewhere on the forum). Would someone be able to explain why this test is reported as an F statistic, rather than chi-square? Thanks for your help!

  • #2
    Wald statistics reported as chi-square are calculated from estimators that are asymptotic. Basically you can think of a chi-square statistic as being like an F statistic with an infinite number of denominator df. This just like -regress-, calculating by OLS, reports a t-statistic (finite denominator df), whereas -glm- (maximum likelihood estimation) reports a z-statistic (normal distribution is like a t-distribution with infinite df).


    • #3
      Hi Clyde,

      Thank you so much for your answer. This is very helpful!

