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  • threshold model with n thresholds

    Dear all,

    i hope you are doing good in this period of Covid.

    i would like to ask you about threshold models when we have n threshold.
    how do we write the model equation

    for n=1 the equation is as follow :

    Click image for larger version

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Size:	3.1 KB
ID:	1640396

    and for n thresholds the following equation is it correct ??

    Click image for larger version

Name:	image_2021-12-11_094417.png
Views:	1
Size:	4.2 KB
ID:	1640397

    Kind regards

  • #2
    Yes, what you show is the correct n-thresholds analog of the 1-threshold model you gave. But there is a slight error in both models. As written, if the value of FCit is exactly equal to one of the deltas, then it is not treated as part of any interval and, implicitly, the coefficient for such values is indeterminate. So you really should rewrite the models with a <=, rather than <, on one side of each interval. There, of course, may not be any observations in your real data affected by this, so as a practical matter it may not be important, but, in principle, it should be that way.
    Last edited by Clyde Schechter; 11 Dec 2021, 12:10.


    • #3
      Dear Clyde Schechter,

      Thank you very much for confirming and correcting me the models

      kind regards


      • #4
        Dear Clyde Schechter

        i hope you are doing good

        please if i would add time fixed effect as well as industry fixed effect, my model becomes as follow? :

        Click image for larger version

Name:	image_2021-12-20_105457.png
Views:	1
Size:	3.6 KB
ID:	1641646

        Kind regards


        • #5
          Well assuming that firms do not change industry from one occasion to another, it would be Industryi with no t-subscript. And the term for mu also would be mui.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Clyde Schechter View Post
            Well assuming that firms do not change industry from one occasion to another, it would be Industryi with no t-subscript. And the term for mu also would be mui.
            thank you dear Clyde Schechter

            concerning industry i got it,
            concerning mu, i is not for individual effect and t for time effect ? if i would include time fixed effects why should not add the t ?

            kind regards


            • #7
              No. If you want to have both individual and time effects, they have to be separate. mui + nut. muit is not both individual and time effects: it is an effect for all possible combinations of i and t, and in that regard it is completely indistinguishable from epsilonit, which you already have in the model. So you can't have both muit and epsilonit in the model--it would be unidentifiable.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Clyde Schechter View Post
                No. If you want to have both individual and time effects, they have to be separate. mui + nut. muit is not both individual and time effects: it is an effect for all possible combinations of i and t, and in that regard it is completely indistinguishable from epsilonit, which you already have in the model. So you can't have both muit and epsilonit in the model--it would be unidentifiable.

                so the model must be as follow if i take into consideration both time and industry fixed effects :

                Click image for larger version

Name:	image_2021-12-20_210356.png
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ID:	1641728

                is it correct ?

                i am asking because in my articles they show results with time and industry fixed effects without mentioning them in the model.


                • #9
                  Well, I wouldn't use the same symbol, mu, for both the industry and time fixed effects. Generally with two fixed effects, they usually call one of them mu and the other alpha (though all that really matters is that the symbols be distinct from any other symbols used in the equation.)

                  i am asking because in my articles they show results with time and industry fixed effects without mentioning them in the model.

                  Well, I don't know what literature you are reading and different disciplines and different journals may have different conventions. When you include explicit fixed effects, particularly if there is more than one, you make the model equation longer and harder to read (as well as making it a more complete and accurate description of the model). Some people might feel that if you mention that the model is supposed to also include industry and time fixed effects that you can then omit those from the equation and it will look less intimidating and knowledgeable readers will understand that the mui and alphat terms are implicitly part of the model even though they aren't mentioned. It's not an unreasonable convention to use if the audience/readership can be counted on to understand it that way.


                  • #10
                    [QUOTE=Clyde Schechter;n1641730]Well, I wouldn't use the same symbol, mu, for both the industry and time fixed effects. Generally with two fixed effects, they usually call one of them mu and the other alpha (though all that really matters is that the symbols be distinct from any other symbols used in the equation.)

                    thank you very much dear Clyde Schechter

                    just one more question please when it is writing like this
                    Click image for larger version

Name:	image_2021-12-20_213000.png
Views:	1
Size:	926 Bytes
ID:	1641735
                    it means we do not have individual fixed effects ( i mean it is specific effects ?)



                    • #11
                      Correct. That equation impiles that all of the values of CAPEXi,t are set to the exact same value--nothing specific for either industry or time.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Clyde Schechter View Post
                        Correct. That equation impiles that all of the values of CAPEXi,t are set to the exact same value--nothing specific for either industry or time.
                        Thank you very much dear Professor


                        • #13
                          dear Clyde Schechter

                          i am back to you because i got confused again.
                          i'm studying an article and the author has given the following model :

                          Click image for larger version

Name:	image_2021-12-23_174908.png
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Size:	11.3 KB
ID:	1642139

                          it is a specific effect model (as mentioned by alpha 0 ); However in the results he has mentioned both time and industry fixed effects

                          Click image for larger version

Name:	image_2021-12-23_175227.png
Views:	1
Size:	6.6 KB
ID:	1642140

                          how could this be possible ?

                          kind regards


                          • #14
                            Assuming you are correctly representing what the author has done then the model would also include a mui term and another term for a year fixed effect as well. Now, as I mentioned in #9, sometimes people omit those terms from the models and just state elsewhere that those additional effects were included. This makes the model equation shorter and easier to read. While I personally think this is bad communication, if writing for an audience that is accustomed to this convention, it does no harm. It does, however, do harm, when the paper is given to readers like you who are not accustomed to the convention and are getting confused by it.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Clyde Schechter View Post
                              Assuming you are correctly representing what the author has done then the model would also include a mui term and another term for a year fixed effect as well. Now, as I mentioned in #9, sometimes people omit those terms from the models and just state elsewhere that those additional effects were included. This makes the model equation shorter and easier to read. While I personally think this is bad communication, if writing for an audience that is accustomed to this convention, it does no harm. It does, however, do harm, when the paper is given to readers like you who are not accustomed to the convention and are getting confused by it.
                              yes thank you professor

                              but instead of alpha 0 it should be Alpha i ( individual effects). yes ?
                              ( as i know we can not include time fixed effects or industry fixed effects with alpha 0 ( specific effects) in the same model. please do correct me if i am wrong )

