Dear Statalisters,
please let me know if there is already a thread about this - I did not find one.
In a rspike plot, the spikes appear vertically. But in the legend they are shown horizontally. Is there a way to make the spike appear vertically in the legend as well?
Here is a little toy example to illistrate what I mean:
please let me know if there is already a thread about this - I did not find one.
In a rspike plot, the spikes appear vertically. But in the legend they are shown horizontally. Is there a way to make the spike appear vertically in the legend as well?
Here is a little toy example to illistrate what I mean:
sysuse auto, clear sort weight gen id = _n twoway (connect weight id) /// (connect price id) /// (rspike weight price id), /// legend( symxsize(2pt) order(1 "weight" 2 "price" 3 "Spike"))