I want to draw a graph according to the value of the moderating variable in regression analysis.
- moderate variable is dummy, and independent also dummy
- t1~t4 is technology level(t1=1, othrewise=0; t2=1, otherwise=1; t3=1, otherwise=0; t4=1, otherwise=0)
- en is dummy variable and it is moderate variable
*code is here
reg y en t1 t2 t3 t4 c.t1#c.en c.t2#c.en c.t3#c.en c.t4#c.en if soreg_en=0
estimates store no
reg y en t1 t2 t3 t4 c.t1#c.en c.t2#c.en c.t3#c.en c.t4#c.en if soreg_en=1
estimates store yes
coefplot no yes, drop(_cons) xline(0)
but it is not working. and i am not sure it is correct. please help me
I want to draw a graph according to the value of the moderating variable in regression analysis.
- moderate variable is dummy, and independent also dummy
- t1~t4 is technology level(t1=1, othrewise=0; t2=1, otherwise=1; t3=1, otherwise=0; t4=1, otherwise=0)
- en is dummy variable and it is moderate variable
*code is here
reg y en t1 t2 t3 t4 c.t1#c.en c.t2#c.en c.t3#c.en c.t4#c.en if soreg_en=0
estimates store no
reg y en t1 t2 t3 t4 c.t1#c.en c.t2#c.en c.t3#c.en c.t4#c.en if soreg_en=1
estimates store yes
coefplot no yes, drop(_cons) xline(0)
but it is not working. and i am not sure it is correct. please help me