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  • How to multiply all observations in previous periods within one variable in panel data?

    I want to convert the cpi with previous year as the base year to cpi with year 1996 as the base year. How can I achieve this? Here is the data. Thanks!

    * Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
    input double id float year double cpi
    11 1997              1.053
    11 1998              1.024
    11 1999              1.006
    11 2000              1.035
    11 2001              1.031
    11 2002               .982
    11 2003              1.002
    11 2004               1.01
    11 2005              1.015
    11 2006 1.0090000000000001
    11 2007              1.024
    11 2008              1.051
    11 2009               .985
    12 1997              1.031
    12 1998               .995
    12 1999  .9890000000000001
    12 2000               .996
    12 2001              1.012
    12 2002               .996
    12 2003               1.01
    12 2004              1.023
    12 2005              1.015
    12 2006              1.015
    12 2007              1.042
    12 2008              1.054
    12 2009                .99
    13 1997              1.035
    13 1998  .9840000000000001
    13 1999               .981
    13 2000               .997
    13 2001              1.005
    13 2002                .99
    13 2003              1.022
    13 2004              1.043
    13 2005              1.018
    13 2006 1.0170000000000001
    13 2007              1.047
    13 2008              1.062
    13 2009               .993
    14 1997              1.031
    14 1998               .986
    14 1999               .996
    14 2000 1.0390000000000001
    14 2001               .998
    14 2002  .9840000000000001
    14 2003              1.018
    14 2004              1.041
    14 2005              1.023
    14 2006               1.02
    14 2007              1.046
    14 2008              1.072
    14 2009               .996
    15 1997              1.045
    15 1998               .993
    15 1999               .998
    15 2000              1.013
    15 2001              1.006
    15 2002              1.002
    15 2003              1.022
    15 2004 1.0290000000000001
    15 2005              1.024
    15 2006              1.015
    15 2007              1.046
    15 2008              1.057
    15 2009               .997
    21 1997              1.031
    21 1998               .993
    21 1999               .986
    21 2000  .9990000000000001
    21 2001                  1
    21 2002  .9890000000000001
    21 2003 1.0170000000000001
    21 2004              1.035
    21 2005              1.014
    21 2006              1.012
    21 2007              1.051
    21 2008              1.046
    21 2009                  1
    22 1997              1.037
    22 1998               .992
    22 1999                .98
    22 2000               .986
    22 2001              1.013
    22 2002               .995
    22 2003              1.012
    22 2004              1.041
    22 2005              1.015
    22 2006              1.014
    22 2007              1.053
    22 2008              1.051
    22 2009              1.001
    23 1997              1.044
    23 1998              1.004
    23 1999               .968
    23 2000               .983
    23 2001              1.008
    23 2002               .993
    23 2003 1.0090000000000001
    23 2004              1.038
    23 2005              1.012
    label values id id
    label def id 11 "Beijing", modify
    label def id 12 "Tianjin", modify
    label def id 13 "Hebei", modify
    label def id 14 "Shanxi", modify
    label def id 15 "Innermongolia", modify
    label def id 21 "Liaoning", modify
    label def id 22 "Jilin", modify
    label def id 23 "Heilongjiang", modify

  • #2
    by id (year), sort: assert year == 1996 + _n
    by id (year): gen double cpi_base_1996 = cpi if _n == 1
    by id (year): replace cpi_base_1996 = cpi_base_1996[_n-1] * cpi if _n > 1


    • #3
      Thank you very much! Using "by id" instead of "by id (year)" only multiplies the previous and the current observations. This makes the difference?


      • #4
        The results of that code with -by id- replacing -by id (year)- are actually unpredictable and irreproducible. The reason is that if you sort on id without also sorting by year within id, the observations within id will be sorted into some random order, not chronological order. That is a property of the way Stata does sorting: if the sort variables do not uniquely identify observations, everything else gets put into random order. So without specifying that the data should be sorted by year within id, the subsequent multiplication will mutiply the current observation with the observation from whatever random year happened to get sorted before it in the data set.


        • #5
          Just check this forum again. Got your point. Thank you so much! Wish you a great holiday!

