I am outputting non-standard tables to TeX and using file write following this example: https://github.com/worldbank/stata-t...o/filewrite.do
Here is an MWE with the good old car dataset. I loop over two outcomes as the issue occurs only with multiple columns
The problem is that the formatting part %9.3f adds a space in the final .tex file (see below) which is annoying if I have to change that manually. Any suggestion how I can change this within the do-file?
Here is an MWE with the good old car dataset. I loop over two outcomes as the issue occurs only with multiple columns
sysuse auto.dta global outcomes price mpg global X weight length local n_outcomes : word count $outcomes forval i = 1/`n_outcomes' { local Y `: word `i' of $outcomes' local outcome_`i' = "`Y'" reg `Y' $X mat result = r(table) scalar b_`i' = result[1,1] scalar SE_`i' = result[1,2] scalar p_`i' = result[1,4] local sig_`i' = "" if p_`i' <= 0.1 { local sig_`i' = "*" } if p_`i' <= 0.05 { local sig_`i' = "**" } if p_`i' <= 0.01 { local sig_`i' = "***" } } * Table capture file close sampleTable file open sampleTable using "sample.tex", write replace file write sampleTable /// "\begin{tabular}{lc}" _n /// "\hline \hline \\ [-1.8ex]" _n /// " & `outcome_1' & `outcome_2' \\" _n /// "\hline \\ [-1.8ex]" _n /// " &" %9.3f (b_1) "`sig_1' & " %9.3f (b_2) "`sig_2' \\" _n /// " & ("%9.3f (SE_1) ") & (" %9.3f (SE_2) ") \\" _n /// "\hline\hline" _n /// "\end{tabular}" file close sampleTable
The problem is that the formatting part %9.3f adds a space in the final .tex file (see below) which is annoying if I have to change that manually. Any suggestion how I can change this within the do-file?
\begin{tabular}{lc} \hline \hline \\ [-1.8ex] & price & mpg \\ \hline \\ [-1.8ex] & 4.699*** & -0.004*** \\ & ( -97.960) & ( -0.080) \\ \hline\hline \end{tabular}