Goodmorning, I have an issue regarding some basic descriptive statistics. I have the following dataset
and I want to create a table which display for each Countryoforigin the value af the variable tot_app only for one year (f.e. 2002). I would like the values to be rapresented from the largest to the smallest. Is it possible?
Thanks for your attention
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input int Year str36 Countryoforigin float tot_app 2000 "Croatia" 10 2000 "Pakistan" 33 2000 "Iraq" 5664 2000 "Russian Federation" 126 2000 "Rwanda" 29 2000 "Ghana" 15 2000 "Armenia" 20 2000 "Sierra Leone" 74 2000 "Iran (Islamic Rep. of)" 205 2000 "Burundi" 5 2000 "Nigeria" 16 2000 "Tunisia" 31 2000 "Azerbaijan" 10 2000 "Ukraine" 10 2000 "Sudan" 56 2000 "Egypt" 15 2000 "Unknown " 13535 2000 "Peru" 5 2000 "Algeria" 15 2000 "Rep. of Moldova" 14 2000 "Cote d'Ivoire" 5 2000 "Colombia" 26 2000 "Guinea" 5 2000 "China" 19 2000 "Libya" 5 2000 "Dem. Rep. of the Congo" 86 2000 "Kazakhstan" 5 2000 "Bangladesh" 55 2000 "North Macedonia" 58 2000 "Liberia" 10 2000 "Angola" 47 2000 "Georgia" 29 2000 "Uzbekistan" 5 2000 "Romania" 114 2000 "Palestinian" 35 2000 "Bosnia and Herzegovina" 27 2000 "Lebanon" 10 2000 "Albania" 135 2000 "Syrian Arab Rep." 49 2000 "Somalia" 88 2000 "Viet Nam" 5 2000 "Turkey" 3578 2000 "Togo" 10 2000 "Sri Lanka" 56 2000 "Cameroon" 19 2000 "Afghanistan" 351 2000 "Senegal" 5 2000 "Eritrea" 18 2000 "Guinea-Bissau" 15 2000 "Benin" 5 2000 "Congo" 124 2000 "Ethiopia" 74 2000 "Cuba" 15 2001 "North Macedonia" 79 2001 "Gambia" 20 2001 "Nigeria" 115 2001 "Colombia" 86 2001 "Bosnia and Herzegovina" 72 2001 "Lebanon" 31 2001 "Unknown " 13769 2001 "Ethiopia" 169 2001 "Sri Lanka" 168 2001 "Congo" 212 2001 "Turkey" 6930 2001 "Iran (Islamic Rep. of)" 386 2001 "Rwanda" 48 2001 "Cameroon" 46 2001 "Eritrea" 65 2001 "Russian Federation" 299 2001 "Romania" 382 2001 "Ukraine" 47 2001 "Dem. Rep. of the Congo" 197 2001 "Angola" 73 2001 "Afghanistan" 805 2001 "Sudan" 94 2001 "Algeria" 42 2001 "Palestinian" 62 2001 "Rep. of Moldova" 52 2001 "Pakistan" 93 2001 "Togo" 37 2001 "Somalia" 180 2001 "Bangladesh" 116 2001 "Albania" 285 2001 "Sierra Leone" 238 2001 "Serbia and Kosovo: S/RES/1244 (1999)" 2430 2001 "Iraq" 10246 2001 "Tunisia" 57 2002 "Cameroon" 80 2002 "Pakistan" 179 2002 "Somalia" 258 2002 "Cote d'Ivoire" 10 2002 "Sierra Leone" 362 2002 "Colombia" 180 2002 "Georgia" 47 2002 "Bosnia and Herzegovina" 122 2002 "Serbia and Kosovo: S/RES/1244 (1999)" 3637 2002 "Afghanistan" 1215 2002 "Unknown " 14086 2002 "Syrian Arab Rep." 107 2002 "Russian Federation" 407 end
Thanks for your attention