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  • Marginsplot for logistic regression?

    Hi guys

    Variables explained:

    splitvoter: 0= not split vote between two elections / 1= split vote between two elections
    i.tidspunkt_beslutning: 0= I made my decition for whom to vote for in the month leading up to the electon 2 = I made my decition for whom to vote for later then one month before the election.

    I understand my logistic regression model:
    olog splitvoter i.tidspunkt_beslutning, baselevel

    I also want to make marginsplot for the interpretation of the model:

    margins tidspunkt_beslutning


    Output: See attached

    My question:

    Why do i get both a blue and a red line? I would,like to make a graf with only one line with the prediction for split vote for both i.tidspunkt_beslutning=0 and 1...

    Can anybody help us out here? :-)

    Best regards

    Mikkel and Lukas

    Attached Files

  • #2
    This happened because you used -ologit-, when what you need for this purpose is -logit-.


    • #3
      Ahh thanks Clyde :-)

      Works now!

      Have a nice day

