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  • #16
    I am also trying to obtain some graphs, but I need the dates to be specific and not across all of the data sample. When I command -tsline GDP- for example stata gives me a graph but it mixes all gdp values from all 5 countries in one line which is not very helpful. How can I specify my command so I get only the years I want in the graph and the lines to be separated from 1(where all GDP values are added together) to 5 lines by my ID-country.
    Thank you again for your time!


    • #17
      I am also trying to obtain some line graphs, but I need the dates to be specific and not across all data-period. When I use command -tsline GDP- for example, stata gives me a graph but it mixes all gdp values from all 5 countries in one line which is not helpful. How can I specify my command so I get only the years I want in the graph and the lines to be separated from 1(where all GDP values are added together) to 5 lines by my ID-country.
      Thank you again for your time!!


      • #18
        Bumping after 90 minutes? Please don't do that.


        xtline GDP 
        xtline GDP, overlay
        and you might need or want to use ysc(log) as an option.


        • #19
          My apologies it was not on purpose this was supposed to be a comment on the previous post and because i did not find it there i reposted it thinking it was the first time. Sorry for that again.
          How can i instruct stata to make that graph only for 1973q4-1979q1 for example. Also is it possible to make separate graphs per ID-Country?
          I cannot thank you enough!!


          • #20
            Best way to thank me is to take my advice! The previous code answers the second question. Otherwise you need an -if- qualifier such as

            … if inrange(yq, yq(1973, 4), yq(1979,1))
            in your code (before any options).

