Dear all,
Please allow me to ask some advice from you as I have looked everywhere else I have thought of and could not find an answer to my problem.
I use Stata 16 and I have trying to implement constraint longitudinal analysis. Although I have seen that Stata 17 has a constraint option incorporated in the mixed command, this is not available at e earlier option and therefore I follow the methodology introduced at a previous post here:
My dataset is comprised of the outcome variable, time as 0 at baseline and 3 follow up points at 3, 6 and 12 months, and the treatment arm with 2 categories.
My code therefore is:
Due to failure of the linearity assumption, I considered bootstrapping as:
My question here is: Why do the effects obtained following the postestimation test command differ before and after bootstrap? (As expected, and as per Stata's manual, the effects following the initial mixed model before and after bootstrap are the same -not presented here).
Please consider that I tested this to another dataset after a simple regression model as:
where the variable country has 3 categories. The effects obtained before and after bstrap after the test command, were as before different.
Any advice or any thoughts would be very helpful. Many thanks in advance.
Please allow me to ask some advice from you as I have looked everywhere else I have thought of and could not find an answer to my problem.
I use Stata 16 and I have trying to implement constraint longitudinal analysis. Although I have seen that Stata 17 has a constraint option incorporated in the mixed command, this is not available at e earlier option and therefore I follow the methodology introduced at a previous post here:
My dataset is comprised of the outcome variable, time as 0 at baseline and 3 follow up points at 3, 6 and 12 months, and the treatment arm with 2 categories.
My code therefore is:
mixed Outcome i.Treatmentarm##i.time || ParticipantIDA: , covariance(unstructured) level(95) test 1.Treatmentarm=0, coef ( 1) [Outcome]1.Treatmentarm = 0 chi2( 1) = 2.37 Prob > chi2 = 0.1234 Constrained coefficients Coef. Std. Err. z P>z [95% Conf. Interval] Outcome Treatmentarm Intervention 0 (omitted) time 3 -3.872614 2.191517 -1.77 0.077 -8.167908 .4226801 6 -4.298432 2.108544 -2.04 0.041 -8.431101 -.1657617 12 1.164081 2.083127 0.56 0.576 -2.918774 5.246935 Treatmentarm#time Intervention# 3 -.1910133 2.967006 -0.06 0.949 -6.006239 5.624213 Intervention# 6 1.806498 2.809967 0.64 0.520 -3.700937 7.313932 Intervention#12 -4.000512 2.704179 -1.48 0.139 -9.300606 1.299581 _cons 23.07878 1.74 13.26 0.000 19.66845 26.48912 lns1_1_1 _cons 2.414024 .0991465 24.35 0.000 2.2197 2.608347 lnsig_e _cons 2.141509 .0539483 39.70 0.000 2.035772 2.247246
bootstrap, reps(1000): mixed Outcome Treatmentarm##i.time || ParticipantIDA: , covariance(unstructured) test 1.Treatmentarm=0, coef Constrained coefficients ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Bootstrap | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] ------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- Outcome | Treatmentarm | Intervention | 0 (omitted) | time | 3 | -4.949825 1.866378 -2.65 0.008 -8.607858 -1.291791 6 | -5.096868 1.986886 -2.57 0.010 -8.991094 -1.202642 12 | .0389688 2.021361 0.02 0.985 -3.922826 4.000764 | Treatmentarm#time | Intervention# 3 | 2.824151 2.720397 1.04 0.299 -2.50773 8.156031 Intervention# 6 | 4.213531 2.355054 1.79 0.074 -.4022901 8.829353 Intervention#12 | -.7735578 2.49915 -0.31 0.757 -5.671801 4.124685 | _cons | 22.597 1.180223 19.15 0.000 20.28381 24.91019 ------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- lns1_1_1 | _cons | 2.421146 .0414222 58.45 0.000 2.33996 2.502332 ------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- lnsig_e | _cons | 2.147335 .0934787 22.97 0.000 1.96412 2.33055
Please consider that I tested this to another dataset after a simple regression model as:
regress Outcome i.Country test 2.Country==0, coef
bootstrap, reps(1000) seed(45645): regress Outcome i.Country test 2.Country==0, coef
Any advice or any thoughts would be very helpful. Many thanks in advance.