In a paper, Dasgupta, 2019 used Difference-in-Difference approach to see whether anticollusion laws implemented by different countries (staggered implementation) affect firms financial flexibility.
Dasgupta, 2019, p.2610 used an approach called "prediction model"
In particular, what they did is
I do not understand how they calculate the "probability that the firm will be convicted in the cartel case after the passage of a leniency law" like that by using STATA. The one command I can link to is "predict" but it seems not to work in this case.
Dasgupta, 2019, p.2610 used an approach called "prediction model"
by only using pre-leniency observations and predict the probability that the firm will be convicted in the cartel case after the passage of a leniency law.
First, we estimate the propensity of a firm to be convicted in a cartel case. We use a prediction model based on time-varying firm characteristics (asset size, leverage, and ROA), country characteristics (GDP and unemployment), and country fixed effects and three-digit SIC fixed effects.