Dear Statalist,
I am trying to estimate a HDFE logit model, with millions of individuals and millions of firms. I read all the posts in the forum and it seems that as of Nov 2021 there is no equivalent to user-written
for logit models.
There is, however, a command to estimate psuedo-Poisson models:
The authors note that "Gourieroux et al.’s results greatly extend the realm of application of Poisson regression because there is no need to specify a distributional assumption for the dependent variable and, therefore, application is no longer restricted to count data".
Does that mean that this model (and the related command) are appropriate for binary outcomes and potentially preferable to a linear probability model (since if I understand we would not incur the problem of negative predicted values)?
Alternatively, is there any way that I am not aware of to estimate a HDFE logit model?
Thank you for your clarifications.
Gourieroux, C., A. Monfort, and A. Trognon. 1984. Pseudo Maximum Likelihood Methods: Theory. Econometrica 52(3): 681–700
Correia, S., P. Guimarães, and T. Zylkin. 2019. ppmlhdfe: Fast Poisson estimation with high-dimensional fixed effects. arXiv. org.
I am trying to estimate a HDFE logit model, with millions of individuals and millions of firms. I read all the posts in the forum and it seems that as of Nov 2021 there is no equivalent to user-written
There is, however, a command to estimate psuedo-Poisson models:
The authors note that "Gourieroux et al.’s results greatly extend the realm of application of Poisson regression because there is no need to specify a distributional assumption for the dependent variable and, therefore, application is no longer restricted to count data".
Does that mean that this model (and the related command) are appropriate for binary outcomes and potentially preferable to a linear probability model (since if I understand we would not incur the problem of negative predicted values)?
Alternatively, is there any way that I am not aware of to estimate a HDFE logit model?
Thank you for your clarifications.
Gourieroux, C., A. Monfort, and A. Trognon. 1984. Pseudo Maximum Likelihood Methods: Theory. Econometrica 52(3): 681–700
Correia, S., P. Guimarães, and T. Zylkin. 2019. ppmlhdfe: Fast Poisson estimation with high-dimensional fixed effects. arXiv. org.