Hi everyone,
After I run 'shp2dta' to turn shape files into Stata data files, I notice I have some new variables, mainly Shape_Are and Shape_Len, see below.
These measures are probably the area and length of each Geo item, but does anyone have any more information on these, the instructions for shp2dta don't discuss them much and I wasn't able to find anything online. What units are these measured in, and how are the defined more broadly? Just curious.
Any help appreciated as usual.
After I run 'shp2dta' to turn shape files into Stata data files, I notice I have some new variables, mainly Shape_Are and Shape_Len, see below.
. **1.0 set up County summary data . . shp2dta using "$data/SA data", /// > data("SA_data") /// > coor("SA_coordinates") /// > genid("id") /// > gencentroids("sa_cent") /// > replace type: 5 . end of do-file . do "C:\Users\Ivan\AppData\Local\Temp\STDbcc_000000.tmp" . use "SA_data", clear . end of do-file . summ Shape__Are Shape__Len Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max -------------+--------------------------------------------------------- Shape__Are | 18,641 3768344 7172291 .1502686 1.63e+08 Shape__Len | 18,641 7156.082 8808.337 141.0763 90051.82
Any help appreciated as usual.