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  • Looping csv file - save as dta with file name

    Dear all,

    I'm trying to work on two loops over 200 files:
    1- First loop open the csv and save as dta keeping as file name the same one which is already save as csv
    2- Appending all dta files

    1-First loop I've tried to do the following:

    local filenames: dir . files "Path folder where I stored all csv files"
    foreach file of local filenames {
    import delimited "`file'"
    //Here I should write the line of codes to save them as dta with same csv filename in  a new folder path
    2-Second loop:

    Here I should append the dta files contained in the new folder

    Would you be so kind to give me any tips?
    Many thanks in advance

  • #2
    It would be nice if you could say

    append *
    but Stata provides a more complicated mechanism.
     append using `: dir . files "*.dta"'M
    More information is documented in "extended macros".


    • #3
      That trailing M is a typo. The code should be:

       append using `: dir . files "*.dta"'


      • #4
        Posts #2/#3 solve the second step. This addresses the first step.
        local csvpath `"Path to folder where I stored all csv files"'
        local dtapath `"Path to folder in which to store all dta files"'
        local csvnames: dir `"`csvpath'"' files "*.csv"
        local files : subinstr local filenames ".csv" "", all
        foreach file of local files {
            import delimited `"`csvpath'/`file'.csv"'
            save             `"`dtapath'/`file'.dta"', replace


        • #5
          Hi William Lisowski

          Thanks a lot for your kind advice for the first step.

          I implemented the code that you suggest but seems that I have some problem.
          Specifically, I don't receive any error message from Stata, the work station shows that the loop is done but there is no dta files in the folder.

          I copy and paste the line of codes that I'm running after you suggestion

          cd "C:\Users\M.ERRICO\OneDrive - Universitat Ramón Llull\Projects\Tick Size Project\ESMA data\CSV_files"
          local csvpath `"C:\Users\M.ERRICO\OneDrive - Universitat Ramón Llull\Projects\Tick Size Project\ESMA data\CSV_files"'
          local dtapath `"C:\Users\M.ERRICO\OneDrive - Universitat Ramón Llull\Projects\Tick Size Project\ESMA data\DTA_files"'
          local csvnames: dir `"`csvpath'"' files "*.csv"
          local files : subinstr local filenames ".csv" "", all
          foreach file of local files {
              import delimited `"`csvpath'/`file'.csv"'
              save             `"`dtapath'/`file'.dta"', replace
          Thanks a lot for your time


          • #6
            My apologies for an error on my part: try the following correction.
            local files : subinstr local csvnames ".csv" "", all


            • #7
              Thank you William Lisowski .

              Now the loop starts but I got immediately an error message below

              "file C:\Users\M.ERRICO\OneDrive - Universitat Ramón Llull\Projects\Tick Size Project\ESMA data\DTA_files/fulecr_20180106_e_1of1
              > .dta saved
              no; dataset in memory has changed since last saved

              I've explored what might be the issue and as far as I got, by adding

              foreach file of local files {
                  import delimited `"`csvpath'/`file'.csv"'
                  save             `"`dtapath'/`file'.dta"', replace
              at the end of the loop, it solves the issue.

              Thanks again for your time and suggestions. They have been really helpful


              • #8
                The output of the help import delimited command tells us that the following change would also have solved the problem.
                    import delimited `"`csvpath'/`file'.csv"', clear


                • #9
                  Thanks William Lisowski

                  I'm trying to implement the second loop (i.e. append all dataset and store the finale one in a different folder path)

                  I tried to implement [email protected] solution with this line of codes

                       append using `: dir . files "*.dta"'
                  Nevertheless, I got this message
                  "invalid file specification"

                  Any suggestion?
                  Thanks again for your help

                  Edit: Solved it.
                  My silly typos in not setting

                  cd "dta folder"
                  Before the appending command
                  Last edited by Marco Errico; 02 Nov 2021, 06:54.


                  • #10
                    Hello all,
                    I am using Stata 16. I am trying to import multiple csv files and then append them into a single dta file in the same folder. I used the following
                    cd "G:\climate\river"
                    local files : dir "G:\climate\river" files "*.csv"
                    foreach file in 'files' {
                    import delimited 'file'
                    save 'file'.dta, replace
                    append using 'files'
                    I get the following error message

                    invalid 'file'

                    Please tell me what I may be doing wrong, would be grateful for any help. Thank you.


                    • #11
                      Your punctuation is wrong. 'file' is not valid Stata syntax. When you refer to local macros, the character that precedes the name is `, not '. On a US keyboard, ` is the upper case character immediately to the left of the !1 key. The character that follows the name, however, is, indeed, ', just as you have it.


                      • #12
                        Thank you Sir , I got it now!

