Hi all! I am trying to model prevalence of malaria using a GSEM in stata. I have information about the nuumber of malaria cases for 1532 adminsitrative units and number of total population for the same administrative units. I looked to the prevalence mean and variace and i did not find any overdispersion. Thus, I am not completely sure if I should use Binomial logit distribution or Poisson (i do not have any exposure variable). I decided to use Binomial logit in the variable name I specified my number of cases variable and in the denominator I used the total number of population variable. Is this correct? I run the model ( described in the atatched image) and it does not find convergence. the measurement model for climate was tested and is the right one. I guess the other variables (def16_18, longitud_vias and num_riesgo) should be standardized? which standarization shall i use?
Thank you!
Thank you!