I am performing my regression analysis. I tried to use fixed effects model with these command (xtreg return_outliers esg_score_w EPS_1 EPS_2 size_w, fe) and I obtained the results that I want (a positive and statistically significant relationship between the main two variables). However, using this command I am only controlling for id effects because I used "xtset id year", right?
I want to control also for year, country and industry effects, should am I use fixed effects and control for this variables or should I use pooled OLS with dummies?
If I should use fixed effects, what is the right command to perform this controlling effects?
I also do the testparm command to test if the year, country and industry effects are jointly equal to zero, and I obtained the following results:
reg return_outliers esg_score_w EPS_1 EPS_2 size_w i.country
testparm i.country
F( 18, 3211) = 1.47
Prob > F = 0.0893
reg return_outliers esg_score_w EPS_1 EPS_2 size_w i.year
testparm i.year
F( 9, 3220) = 90.02
Prob > F = 0.0000
reg return_outliers esg_score_w EPS_1 EPS_2 size_w i.ec_sector
testparm i.ec_sector
F( 8, 3221) = 2.70
Prob > F = 0.0058
Thank you in advance,
I am performing my regression analysis. I tried to use fixed effects model with these command (xtreg return_outliers esg_score_w EPS_1 EPS_2 size_w, fe) and I obtained the results that I want (a positive and statistically significant relationship between the main two variables). However, using this command I am only controlling for id effects because I used "xtset id year", right?
I want to control also for year, country and industry effects, should am I use fixed effects and control for this variables or should I use pooled OLS with dummies?
If I should use fixed effects, what is the right command to perform this controlling effects?
I also do the testparm command to test if the year, country and industry effects are jointly equal to zero, and I obtained the following results:
reg return_outliers esg_score_w EPS_1 EPS_2 size_w i.country
testparm i.country
F( 18, 3211) = 1.47
Prob > F = 0.0893
reg return_outliers esg_score_w EPS_1 EPS_2 size_w i.year
testparm i.year
F( 9, 3220) = 90.02
Prob > F = 0.0000
reg return_outliers esg_score_w EPS_1 EPS_2 size_w i.ec_sector
testparm i.ec_sector
F( 8, 3221) = 2.70
Prob > F = 0.0058
Thank you in advance,