HI Richard
So, you are correct. The formula suggests that PTA holds if the Growth in the control group and the growth in the treatment group (absent of treatment) hold. This, however, cannot be estimated after treatment has been implemented.
So, the way it is proxied in CSDID (and other DID estimators) is to analyze that change looking at data before the treatment took place.
Regarding the use of Covariates.
The way that CS state the model, All characteristics are time invariant, so X_{t}=X_{t-1}=X_{t-k}. So it doesn't matter what period you look at, you are using the same values for X.
Now, in practice, if you are using panel data, you use the period X_{t-1} to estimate the parallel trends. (assuming t<g)
Using CS language, Treatment effecs and pretrends are estimated exactly the same way. THey are all called att(g,t) which stands for the Average treatment effect for group G at time T
when analyzing data "after" treatment (t>=g) the att(g,t) compares outcomes for period t with outcomes in period g-1 (last period without treatment). Here you use X_{g-1}
If you instead analyze data Before treatment (t<g) the att(g,t) compares outcomes for periods t and t-1. This att(g,t)'s are used for pretretrend test. Here you use X_{t-1}
what differs across estimators is simply how att(g,t) is estimated.
So, you are correct. The formula suggests that PTA holds if the Growth in the control group and the growth in the treatment group (absent of treatment) hold. This, however, cannot be estimated after treatment has been implemented.
So, the way it is proxied in CSDID (and other DID estimators) is to analyze that change looking at data before the treatment took place.
Regarding the use of Covariates.
The way that CS state the model, All characteristics are time invariant, so X_{t}=X_{t-1}=X_{t-k}. So it doesn't matter what period you look at, you are using the same values for X.
Now, in practice, if you are using panel data, you use the period X_{t-1} to estimate the parallel trends. (assuming t<g)
Using CS language, Treatment effecs and pretrends are estimated exactly the same way. THey are all called att(g,t) which stands for the Average treatment effect for group G at time T
when analyzing data "after" treatment (t>=g) the att(g,t) compares outcomes for period t with outcomes in period g-1 (last period without treatment). Here you use X_{g-1}
If you instead analyze data Before treatment (t<g) the att(g,t) compares outcomes for periods t and t-1. This att(g,t)'s are used for pretretrend test. Here you use X_{t-1}
what differs across estimators is simply how att(g,t) is estimated.