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  • #31
    Originally posted by Sebastian Kripfganz View Post
    This error occurs when Stata cannot find the command's Mata library, which can happen if the command was not properly installed. Restarting Stata might help. Did you install the xtdpdbc package using the ssc or net install command? Sometimes typing the following in the command window helps to make Stata aware of the Mata library:
    mata mata mlib index
    Problem solved!
    As you suggested, I restarted Stata and typed the code. It's running now. I installed using ssc.
    Thanks a lot.


    • #32
      Hi Sebastian,
      Having a great time using your command for my research. I was trying to perform a kind of out-of-sample test for my estimated coefficients by restricting the sample size and then adding more observations. I thought of using
      given that your command allows for predict, however I always get the same error:
      estimated with a nonstandard vce (conventional)
      Do you have a solution within the
      environmnet or perhaps trying a different approach?
      Thanks a lot and Merry Christmas!


      • #33
        Israel Garcia
        I am afraid the answer is that xtdpdbc does not currently support suest. I have made a note on my to-do list but I cannot promise a quick update.

        My suggestion would be to use my xtdpdqml command instead, which often yields very similar results to xtdpdbc. To use suest, you need to specify the option mlparams with xtdpdqml.


        • #34
          Dear Sebastian,

          Many thanks for creating new useful Stata command, can you please explain more the command of xtdpdbc to implement with unbalanced panel data ? Thank you


          • #35
            The command should normally work the same way with unbalanced panels as with balanced panels. Just note that dynamic models require that there are no gaps in your time series.


            • #36
              Originally posted by Sebastian Kripfganz View Post
              The command should normally work the same way with unbalanced panels as with balanced panels. Just note that dynamic models require that there are no gaps in your time series.
              Ok, I got it, Many thanks


              • #37
                Hello Sebastian,
                I've encountered a weird problem when working with your excellent code, i cant run estat serial, ar

                I've looked at your previous posts in this thread about it and I write the same stuff as you do but, i get this error "not sorted"

                You run the same test in post #19 and you just write it like estat serial, ar(1/3) however it doesnt work for me... I've been trying to troubleshoot this for an hour now reading your manual and the help postestimation stuff

                xtdpdbc d.DC REALI d.GFCF GDP_GR INEQ DEREG PORTF, fe vce(robust) lags(2) teffects
                note: 9 groups are dropped due to gaps or insufficient number of observations

                Bias-corrected estimation
                Iteration 0: F(b) = 148.095
                Iteration 1: F(b) = .02383223
                Iteration 2: F(b) = 1.667e-09
                Iteration 3: F(b) = 8.253e-24

                Group variable: countryID Number of obs = 367
                Time variable: Years Number of groups = 14

                Fixed-effects model Obs per group: min = 11
                avg = 26.21429
                max = 35

                (Std. err. adjusted for clustering on countryID)
                | Robust
                D.DC | Coefficient std. err. z P>|z| [95% conf. interval]
                DC |
                LD. | .0852119 .0601579 1.42 0.157 -.0326954 .2031192
                REALI | .0482445 .1950109 0.25 0.805 -.3339698 .4304588
                GFCF |
                D1. | 2.783083 .6950585 4.00 0.000 1.420794 4.145373
                GDP_GR | -.9574042 .4851284 -1.97 0.048 -1.908238 -.0065701
                INEQ | . 4740026 .2616798 1.81 0.070 -.0388804 .9868855
                DEREG | 2.724067 .8431059 3.23 0.001 1.07161 4.376525
                PORTF | -.4726161 .1153936 -4.10 0.000 -.6987835 -.2464487
                Years |
                1983 | -1.293794 2.752904 -0.47 0.638 -6.689387 4.101799
                1984 | -1.305243 2.58306 -0.51 0.613 -6.367948 3.757462
                1985 | -2.800389 2.774858 -1.01 0.313 -8.239011 2.638232
                1986 | 1.377751 4.910492 0.28 0.779 -8.246636 11.00214
                1987 | -4.150164 2.650621 -1.57 0.117 -9.345286 1.044958
                1988 | -2.308038 2.908657 -0.79 0.427 -8.0089 3.392824
                1989 | .2437326 2.780284 0.09 0.930 -5.205524 5.692989
                1990 | -4.973752 2.788143 -1.78 0.074 -10.43841 .4909084
                1991 | -4.982039 3.023606 -1.65 0.099 -10.9082 .9441194
                1992 | -2.638841 2.483588 -1.06 0.288 -7.506585 2.228903
                1993 | -5.31538 2.182822 -2.44 0.015 -9.593632 -1.037127
                1994 | -3.029258 3.151915 -0.96 0.337 -9.206898 3.148382
                1995 | -4.150733 3.036973 -1.37 0.172 -10.10309 1.801624
                1996 | -5.198202 3.127607 -1.66 0.097 -11.3282 .9317954
                1997 | 1.415862 3.209285 0.44 0.659 -4.874221 7.705945
                1998 | -5.155784 3.432988 -1.50 0.133 -11.88432 1.572748
                1999 | .8279091 3.162888 0.26 0.794 -5.371237 7.027056
                2000 | .8915087 8.424864 0.11 0.916 -15.62092 17.40394
                2001 | -.0537508 8.282745 -0.01 0.995 -16.28763 16.18013
                2002 | -8.248197 2.988416 -2.76 0.006 -14.10539 -2.391009
                2003 | -5.384594 3.193444 -1.69 0.092 -11.64363 .8744417
                2004 | -5.91146 3.666597 -1.61 0.107 -13.09786 1.274939
                2005 | -1.718478 2.706641 -0.63 0.525 -7.023398 3.586442
                2006 | -2.914727 3.757536 -0.78 0.438 -10.27936 4.449907
                2007 | -12.96102 6.918338 -1.87 0.061 -26.52071 .5986739
                2008 | -11.25987 6.059859 -1.86 0.063 -23.13697 .6172364
                2009 | -4.639794 3.010552 -1.54 0.123 -10.54037 1.260779
                2010 | -8.451309 3.629645 -2.33 0.020 -15.56528 -1.337336
                2011 | -13.16799 4.381721 -3.01 0.003 -21.756 -4.579972
                2012 | -11.19382 4.062111 -2.76 0.006 -19.15541 -3.232227
                2013 | -7.223011 4.02689 -1.79 0.073 -15.11557 .669548
                2014 | -11.67965 4.766727 -2.45 0.014 -21.02226 -2.337036
                2015 | -8.202296 3.662608 -2.24 0.025 -15.38088 -1.023715
                2016 | -3.849129 3.65336 -1.05 0.292 -11.00958 3.311326
                _cons | -20.48276 8.942092 -2.29 0.022 -38.00893 -2.956579

                . estat serial, ar(1/2)
                not sorted

                and by the way since my lagged dependent variable isnt significant does that mean that its not necessary to even include it? Should i use another model or something?

                Sorry for bothering you with this, but help would be greatly appreciated


                • #38
                  This looks like a bug. To investigate it further, I would need to be able to replicate it. Would it be possible for you to send me your data set by e-mail?

                  Please initially check whether you have the latest version 1.3.0 of the package:
                  which xtdpdbc
                  If your lagged dependent variable is statistically insignificant, estimating a static model could indeed be an alternative. However, keep in mind that absence of statistical significance does not imply evidence of no effect.


                  • #39
                    The problem reported in post #37 occured because the dependent variable was specified with a time-series operator (d.). This problem has now been fixed in an update to version 1.3.1 of the xtdpdbc package, available from my personal website:
                    net install xtdpdbc, from( replace


                    • #40
                      A minor update to version 1.3.2 is available for the xtdpdbc package:
                      net install xtdpdbc, from( replace
                      It highlights in the postestimation help file that the new package xtdpdserial can be used as a postestimation command after xtdpdbc for state-of-the-art serial correlation testing.

