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- Breitung, J., S. Kripfganz, and K. Hayakawa (2021). Bias-corrected method of moments estimators for dynamic panel data models. Econometrics and Statistics, forthcoming.
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. webuse abdata . xtdpdbc n w k, fe teffects vce(robust) Bias-corrected estimation Iteration 0: f(b) = .00223714 Iteration 1: f(b) = 3.069e-06 Iteration 2: f(b) = 7.574e-10 Iteration 3: f(b) = 5.466e-17 Group variable: id Number of obs = 891 Time variable: year Number of groups = 140 Fixed-effects model Obs per group: min = 6 avg = 6.364286 max = 8 (Std. err. adjusted for clustering on id) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Robust n | Coefficient std. err. z P>|z| [95% conf. interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- n | L1. | .7618648 .1021882 7.46 0.000 .5615796 .96215 | w | -.4193358 .1337239 -3.14 0.002 -.6814298 -.1572417 k | .2283234 .0532835 4.29 0.000 .1238897 .3327571 | year | 1978 | -.0198984 .014369 -1.38 0.166 -.048061 .0082643 1979 | -.0304133 .0168824 -1.80 0.072 -.0635021 .0026756 1980 | -.0629852 .0182608 -3.45 0.001 -.0987757 -.0271947 1981 | -.1126957 .0211605 -5.33 0.000 -.1541695 -.0712219 1982 | -.0816646 .0184412 -4.43 0.000 -.1178087 -.0455205 1983 | -.0401727 .0201478 -1.99 0.046 -.0796616 -.0006838 1984 | -.007744 .0261004 -0.30 0.767 -.0589 .0434119 | _cons | 1.684649 .4919518 3.42 0.001 .7204408 2.648856 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ . estimates store fe . xtdpdbc n w k, re teffects vce(robust) Bias-corrected estimation Step 1: Iteration 0: f(b) = .10203684 Iteration 1: f(b) = .00604729 Iteration 2: f(b) = .00567393 Iteration 3: f(b) = .00567273 Iteration 4: f(b) = .00567272 Step 2: Iteration 0: f(b) = .14020188 Iteration 1: f(b) = .08998905 Iteration 2: f(b) = .08993042 Iteration 3: f(b) = .08993037 Group variable: id Number of obs = 891 Time variable: year Number of groups = 140 Random-effects model Obs per group: min = 6 avg = 6.364286 max = 8 (Std. err. adjusted for clustering on id) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Robust n | Coefficient std. err. z P>|z| [95% conf. interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- n | L1. | .9566098 .0248605 38.48 0.000 .9078841 1.005336 | w | -.0559192 .0174443 -3.21 0.001 -.0901093 -.021729 k | .0415304 .020966 1.98 0.048 .0004378 .082623 | year | 1978 | .0096357 .0141993 0.68 0.497 -.0181943 .0374657 1979 | .0063768 .0152289 0.42 0.675 -.0234712 .0362249 1980 | -.0357028 .0169424 -2.11 0.035 -.0689093 -.0024962 1981 | -.1129358 .0185769 -6.08 0.000 -.1493458 -.0765257 1982 | -.1018467 .0147469 -6.91 0.000 -.1307501 -.0729433 1983 | -.039552 .0190684 -2.07 0.038 -.0769254 -.0021786 1984 | -.0447143 .0180495 -2.48 0.013 -.0800908 -.0093379 | _cons | .237997 .0784342 3.03 0.002 .0842687 .3917253 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ . estat overid Hansen test of the overidentifying restrictions note: degrees of freedom adjusted for time effects in unbalanced panels H0: overidentifying restrictions are valid chi2(2) = 12.5903 Prob > chi2 = 0.0018 . estat hausman fe (L.n w k), df(2) Generalized Hausman test chi2(2) = 19.9951 H0: coefficients do not systematically differ Prob > chi2 = 0.0000 . estat serial, ar(1/3) Arellano-Bond test for autocorrelation of the first-differenced residuals H0: no autocorrelation of order 1: z = -2.3646 Prob > |z| = 0.0180 H0: no autocorrelation of order 2: z = -0.9081 Prob > |z| = 0.3638 H0: no autocorrelation of order 3: z = 0.8619 Prob > |z| = 0.3887
. xtdpdbc y l(0/1).(x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 ) if l2.y~=., fe vce(robust) lags(1) teffects Bias-corrected estimation Iteration 0: f(b) = .00080012 Iteration 1: f(b) = 4.311e-06 Iteration 2: f(b) = 6.914e-10 Iteration 3: f(b) = 2.391e-16 Group variable: ccode Number of obs = 970 Time variable: year Number of groups = 67 Obs per group: min = 5 avg = 14.47761 max = 19 (Std. err. adjusted for clustering on ccode) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Robust y | Coefficient std. err. z P>|z| [95% conf. interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- y | L1. | .9505701 .032202 29.52 0.000 .8874553 1.013685 | x1 | --. | .0338362 .0119252 2.84 0.005 .0104632 .0572092 L1. | -.0314495 .0113423 -2.77 0.006 -.0536799 -.0092191 | x2 | --. | -.0080593 .0107437 -0.75 0.453 -.0291165 .0129979 L1. | .0077397 .0089561 0.86 0.387 -.0098139 .0252934 | x3 | --. | .0095416 .0031686 3.01 0.003 .0033314 .0157519 L1. | -.0025377 .0022687 -1.12 0.263 -.0069842 .0019088 | x4 | --. | -.0388867 .0131287 -2.96 0.003 -.0646184 -.013155 L1. | .0260135 .0127738 2.04 0.042 .0009773 .0510498 | x5 | --. | -.0077469 .0040453 -1.92 0.055 -.0156755 .0001817 L1. | .0006256 .0027068 0.23 0.817 -.0046797 .0059309 | x6 | --. | .0041924 .0150888 0.28 0.781 -.025381 .0337659 L1. | -.0073131 .0154181 -0.47 0.635 -.037532 .0229058 | x7 | --. | -.0016741 .0025556 -0.66 0.512 -.006683 .0033348 L1. | .0040669 .0030768 1.32 0.186 -.0019636 .0100973 | year | 2001 | .0000659 .0155769 0.00 0.997 -.0304642 .030596 2002 | .0261921 .016956 1.54 0.122 -.007041 .0594253 2003 | .0267463 .0191526 1.40 0.163 -.0107922 .0642848 2004 | .0032066 .0168039 0.19 0.849 -.0297284 .0361416 2005 | -.0096127 .0176495 -0.54 0.586 -.0442051 .0249797 2006 | -.0034658 .0165419 -0.21 0.834 -.0358874 .0289558 2007 | .0105695 .0185388 0.57 0.569 -.0257658 .0469048 2008 | .0033926 .0184238 0.18 0.854 -.0327174 .0395025 2009 | .0058206 .0181105 0.32 0.748 -.0296753 .0413166 2010 | .0232615 .0180021 1.29 0.196 -.0120219 .0585449 2011 | -.0081063 .0219142 -0.37 0.711 -.0510572 .0348447 2012 | -.0076749 .0186275 -0.41 0.680 -.0441842 .0288343 2013 | -.0162198 .0196031 -0.83 0.408 -.0546413 .0222016 2014 | -.0000364 .0185574 -0.00 0.998 -.0364082 .0363354 2015 | .0054735 .0213165 0.26 0.797 -.0363061 .0472531 2016 | -.0096166 .0187961 -0.51 0.609 -.0464562 .0272231 2017 | -.0080846 .0166891 -0.48 0.628 -.0407945 .0246254 2018 | .0112082 .0158973 0.71 0.481 -.0199498 .0423663 | _cons | .0335686 .0215907 1.55 0.120 -.0087484 .0758855 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ . xtdpdbc y l(0/1).(x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 ) if l2.y~=., fe vce(robust) lags(2) teffects Bias-corrected estimation Iteration 0: f(b) = .00088917 Iteration 1: f(b) = 3.530e-06 Iteration 2: f(b) = 6.444e-09 Iteration 3: f(b) = 3.986e-14 Group variable: ccode Number of obs = 970 Time variable: year Number of groups = 67 Obs per group: min = 5 avg = 14.47761 max = 19 (Std. err. adjusted for clustering on ccode) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Robust y | Coefficient std. err. z P>|z| [95% conf. interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- y | L1. | 1.079941 .0932062 11.59 0.000 .8972602 1.262622 L2. | -.1456414 .0836234 -1.74 0.082 -.3095402 .0182574 | x1 | --. | .0320216 .0110966 2.89 0.004 .0102727 .0537705 L1. | -.0286191 .0104707 -2.73 0.006 -.0491414 -.0080969 | x2 | --. | -.008389 .0107657 -0.78 0.436 -.0294894 .0127114 L1. | .0072774 .0091959 0.79 0.429 -.0107462 .0253011 | x3 | --. | .0089407 .0029207 3.06 0.002 .0032162 .0146653 L1. | -.0033645 .0024326 -1.38 0.167 -.0081322 .0014032 | x4 | --. | -.0340336 .0114255 -2.98 0.003 -.0564272 -.01164 L1. | .0218265 .0107334 2.03 0.042 .0007895 .0428635 | x5 | --. | -.0076639 .0040157 -1.91 0.056 -.0155345 .0002066 L1. | .0015686 .0024271 0.65 0.518 -.0031883 .0063255 | x6 | --. | .0032186 .0129516 0.25 0.804 -.022166 .0286032 L1. | -.0054722 .0131681 -0.42 0.678 -.0312811 .0203367 | x7 | --. | .0000721 .0023317 0.03 0.975 -.004498 .0046422 L1. | .002005 .0022469 0.89 0.372 -.0023988 .0064088 | year | 2001 | -.0019082 .0170997 -0.11 0.911 -.0354231 .0316066 2002 | .0238397 .0169462 1.41 0.159 -.0093743 .0570537 2003 | .0222379 .0199436 1.12 0.265 -.0168507 .0613266 2004 | .0014419 .0170003 0.08 0.932 -.0318781 .0347619 2005 | -.0093809 .0171457 -0.55 0.584 -.0429858 .0242239 2006 | -.0018028 .0158745 -0.11 0.910 -.0329161 .0293106 2007 | .0114593 .0180345 0.64 0.525 -.0238878 .0468063 2008 | .0022069 .0183826 0.12 0.904 -.0338223 .0382361 2009 | .0035213 .0174704 0.20 0.840 -.03072 .0377627 2010 | .022896 .0177357 1.29 0.197 -.0118653 .0576572 2011 | -.0093328 .0220228 -0.42 0.672 -.0524966 .0338311 2012 | -.0064383 .0175773 -0.37 0.714 -.0408892 .0280127 2013 | -.0144945 .0191387 -0.76 0.449 -.0520057 .0230167 2014 | .0028155 .018004 0.16 0.876 -.0324716 .0381026 2015 | .0046752 .0206528 0.23 0.821 -.0358035 .0451539 2016 | -.0102328 .0179129 -0.57 0.568 -.0453415 .0248758 2017 | -.0059206 .0167213 -0.35 0.723 -.0386939 .0268526 2018 | .0131007 .0157716 0.83 0.406 -.0178111 .0440125 | _cons | .0433748 .0208475 2.08 0.037 .0025145 .0842351 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .
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