Today I faced the omitted variable problem but I do not know what is the reason
My code is

But when I added the variable "LNGDP" into the regression, it caused the ommited issue in year 2018

So, I guess it should be from the lack of observation caused by LNGDP for running a regression in 2018, so I check it
But it seems that it is not the case
Can I ask what is the reason for this omitted issue, and how to deal with it?
My code is
areg dep_var pt wFIRM_SIZE i.yr if GEOGN=="UNITEDS", a(TYPE2)
But when I added the variable "LNGDP" into the regression, it caused the ommited issue in year 2018
areg dep_var pt wFIRM_SIZE LNGDP i.yr if GEOGN=="UNITEDS", a(TYPE2)
So, I guess it should be from the lack of observation caused by LNGDP for running a regression in 2018, so I check it
But it seems that it is not the case
count if GEOGN=="UNITEDS" & yr==2018 & LNGDP!=0 & dep_var!=0 1,348