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  • Include slope on binscatter plot


    I am new to Stata - I was wondering if there is a way to add the value of the slope to binscatter plot, as in the example below? Thank you for your help.

    Click image for larger version

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ID:	1618657

  • #2
    I am not familiar with this user-written program (the FAQ asks you to provide info on where this comes from - please read the FAQ), but the help file says that this program accepts standard twoway options including those for text; see
    help added text options


    • #3
      // open example data
      sysuse nlsw88
      // estimate the regression equation
      reg wage grade
      // build the regression equation
      local eq = `"`e(depvar)' = "'                         // the dependent variable
      local eq = `"`eq' `: display %4.2f _b[_cons]'"'       // the constant
      local eq = `"`eq' (`: display %4.2f _se[_cons]') + "' // se of the constant
      local eq = `"`eq' `: display %4.2f _b[grade]'"'       // effect of grade
      local eq = `"`eq' (`: display %4.2f _se[grade]')"'    // se of grade
      local eq = `"`eq' grade + {&epsilon}"'                // error term
      // apply the equation to binscatter
      binscatter wage grade, text(-2 10 `"`eq'"')
      Maarten L. Buis
      University of Konstanz
      Department of history and sociology
      box 40
      78457 Konstanz


      • #4
        Originally posted by Rich Goldstein View Post
        I am not familiar with this user-written program (the FAQ asks you to provide info on where this comes from - please read the FAQ), but the help file says that this program accepts standard twoway options including those for text; see
        help added text options
        thank you - the example actually comes from this file on binscatter plots: (page 27)


        • #5
          Originally posted by Maarten Buis View Post
          // open example data
          sysuse nlsw88
          // estimate the regression equation
          reg wage grade
          // build the regression equation
          local eq = `"`e(depvar)' = "' // the dependent variable
          local eq = `"`eq' `: display %4.2f _b[_cons]'"' // the constant
          local eq = `"`eq' (`: display %4.2f _se[_cons]') + "' // se of the constant
          local eq = `"`eq' `: display %4.2f _b[grade]'"' // effect of grade
          local eq = `"`eq' (`: display %4.2f _se[grade]')"' // se of grade
          local eq = `"`eq' grade + {&epsilon}"' // error term
          // apply the equation to binscatter
          binscatter wage grade, text(-2 10 `"`eq'"')
          thank you very much for your help - for some reason, it still doesn't work with my data, whereas it works fine if I use nlsw88.


          • #6
            Alternativley try aaplot written by Nick Cox and available from SSC.

            sysuse "nlsw88", clear
            aaplot wage tenure


            • #7
              Originally posted by Justin Niakamal View Post
              Alternativley try aaplot written by Nick Cox and available from SSC.

              sysuse "nlsw88", clear
              aaplot wage tenure
              ok, thank you!


              • #8
                Originally posted by Isabelle Davies View Post

                thank you very much for your help - for some reason, it still doesn't work with my data, whereas it works fine if I use nlsw88.
                Look at the y axis and x axis in your graph. Then substitute

                 text(-2 10 `"`eq'"')
                with the an appropriate y-value and x-value in your graph

                 text(y x "my text")
                The coordinate pair specifies the exact position where you want the text to appear in your graph.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Andrew Musau View Post

                  Look at the y axis and x axis in your graph. Then substitute

                   text(-2 10 `"`eq'"')
                  with the an appropriate y-value and x-value in your graph

                   text(y x "my text")
                  The coordinate pair specifies the exact position where you want the text to appear in your graph.
                  thanks a lot!


                  • #10
                    Andrew Musau Hi Andrew,

                    I actually tried an arbitrarily chosen coordinate pair and a pair with the actual values for the dependent variable and explanatory variable. Both did not work though the code run smoothly without error report.

                    My code is:

                    reg depvar expvar
                    local eq = `"`e(depvar)' = "' // the dependent variable
                    local eq = `"`eq' `: display %4.2f _b[expvar]'"' // effect of expvar
                    local eq = `"`eq' (`: display %4.2f _se[expvar]')"' // se of expvar
                    binscatter depvar expvar, text(y x `"`eq'"')

                    Many thanks!


                    • #11
                      You need to post a reproducible example using the dataex command (see FAQ Advice #12), otherwise I cannot offer any useful advice based on your post.

