Dear all,
I am estimating an instrumental variable regression with a dummy outcome variable Y, a dummy endogenous variable X, and a continuous instrument Z. When estimating a linear 2SLS model:
I obtain an estimate of 3, which is unreasonable given that Y and X are dummy variables. I ascribe this to the relative low treatment probability (only 10% have X=1) in my sample and the low sample size of around 4000 (See Chiburis 2011).
I therefore turn to estimating a bivariate probit model:
However, I am now confused about the correct command to obtain the marginal effect of X turning 1 on Y.
Either I type:
Both commands give me very different marginal effects, which command (if any of the two) would give me the effect I am interested in?
I am estimating an instrumental variable regression with a dummy outcome variable Y, a dummy endogenous variable X, and a continuous instrument Z. When estimating a linear 2SLS model:
ivreg 2sls Y (X = Z)
I therefore turn to estimating a bivariate probit model:
biprobit (Y = i.X) (X = Z )
Either I type:
margins, dydx(X) force post
margins, dydx(X) force post predict(pmarg1)