I have a dataset at the birth level with information on date of birth, hospital code and type of delivery, among other variables. The dataset comprises of several million births having taken place in ~1,000 different hospitals over 14 calendar years.
I ran the OLS regression below of the dummy for c-section (d_pc) on the dummy for bank holiday (d_hol) controlling for time fixed effects (year, month, weekday) as well as hospital fixed effects (id_hosp), which I absorbed due to the large number of hospitals. I also clustered the stardard errors at the hospital level.
I would like to run an equivalent logit model. I tried using -clogit- as below but it did not work given the large number of hospitals. Below is the error message I got.
I do not know whether I could use -xtlogit- as this is not a panel data per se as each row corresponds to a different birth.
Could anyone advice me on how to run a logit model while absorbing group fixed effects?
Many thanks
I ran the OLS regression below of the dummy for c-section (d_pc) on the dummy for bank holiday (d_hol) controlling for time fixed effects (year, month, weekday) as well as hospital fixed effects (id_hosp), which I absorbed due to the large number of hospitals. I also clustered the stardard errors at the hospital level.
reg d_pc d_hol i.year i.month i.weekday, absorb(id_hosp) vce(cluster id_hosp)
. clogit d_pc d_hol i.year i.month i.weekday, group(id_hosp) vce(cluster id_hosp) note: multiple positive outcomes within groups encountered. note: 86 groups (1,372 obs) dropped because of all positive or all negative outcomes. 9,811 (group size) take 8,906 (# positives) combinations results in numeric overflow; computations cannot proceed r(1400);
Could anyone advice me on how to run a logit model while absorbing group fixed effects?
Many thanks