This should be a simple issue but I couldn't figure out in version 17.
I had this command in version 16 with all string variables:
table COLLEGE FT_PT LEVL, by(TERM) column row
where COLLEGE is different colleges, FT_PT is full-time or part-time, and LEVL is undergraduate or graduate.
now version 17 says that
option by() not allowed since Stata 17
string variables not allowed in layout
would you guide me what command I need version 17 to get a similar n-table with string variables?
Thank you in advance.
I had this command in version 16 with all string variables:
table COLLEGE FT_PT LEVL, by(TERM) column row
where COLLEGE is different colleges, FT_PT is full-time or part-time, and LEVL is undergraduate or graduate.
now version 17 says that
option by() not allowed since Stata 17
string variables not allowed in layout
would you guide me what command I need version 17 to get a similar n-table with string variables?
Thank you in advance.