Dear All,
I am working with a DHS data set and calculated hotspots and coldspots of low birth weight in Bangladesh using the Stata "getisord" command. Now my target is to present hotspots and coldspots points on a map so that readers can easily understand- as like a map for a region of the USA regarding sex abuse which is attached herewith. However, when I generated the hotspot and coldspots and going to present them on a map using the "spmap" command, it is not working. I use the following command-
spmap go_z_SBI_yes_b using "administration_1cor", id(id) clm(custom) clb(-100 -2.576 -1.960 1.960 2.576 100) fcolor(ebblue eltblue white orange red) legtitle("{it: z}-value") legstyle(1) legcount legend(size(*1.8))
where go_z_SBI_yes_b is value of hotspots and coldspots inside Bangladesh and its eight regions and "administration_1cor" is the cordinates of Bangladesh. The above command produce a blank map with hotsopot and coldspot value (z-value) value showing at the below of map as a lengend. What I am expecting that this command was worked properly sinec results generated, however, these hotspots and coldspots points are not showing. I appreciate if anybody help me to handle this issue- I want present these hotspots and coldspots points on a map. Thanks in advance!
in advance. Please see the attached.
I am working with a DHS data set and calculated hotspots and coldspots of low birth weight in Bangladesh using the Stata "getisord" command. Now my target is to present hotspots and coldspots points on a map so that readers can easily understand- as like a map for a region of the USA regarding sex abuse which is attached herewith. However, when I generated the hotspot and coldspots and going to present them on a map using the "spmap" command, it is not working. I use the following command-
spmap go_z_SBI_yes_b using "administration_1cor", id(id) clm(custom) clb(-100 -2.576 -1.960 1.960 2.576 100) fcolor(ebblue eltblue white orange red) legtitle("{it: z}-value") legstyle(1) legcount legend(size(*1.8))
where go_z_SBI_yes_b is value of hotspots and coldspots inside Bangladesh and its eight regions and "administration_1cor" is the cordinates of Bangladesh. The above command produce a blank map with hotsopot and coldspot value (z-value) value showing at the below of map as a lengend. What I am expecting that this command was worked properly sinec results generated, however, these hotspots and coldspots points are not showing. I appreciate if anybody help me to handle this issue- I want present these hotspots and coldspots points on a map. Thanks in advance!