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  • Combining stacked barchart (with negative values) with line using twoway

    Dear all,

    I'm trying to overlay a stacked bar chart with a line chart.

    I plot 7 variables (some of which are negative most of the time) in the barchart with the "graph bar, stack" routine:

    graph bar (asis) var1 var2 var3 var4 var5 var6 var7, stack
    Click image for larger version

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    I now want to add a variable that is the difference between all positive and negative variables as a line to the chart.

    It seems that "graph bar" does not allow this and that I'd need to switch to a "twoway" routine with "bar", "rbar" and "line".

    However, trying this out and reading the discussion HERE, I'm not sure how this could be done if some of my variables are negative - or if this can be done in my situation at all.

  • #2
    I am running into the same problem as Andy, so I hope that someone might have a solution for how to create a bar chart with both positive and negative values.

    This is what the graph looks like using graph bar but obviously this won't allow me to plot another line. You can see that 3 of the four components oscillate between being positive and negative, so I can't combine them in any one specific order to ensure there won't be any overlap. I also am trying to use the over() option with a quarterly date variable, but I can't figure out how to only display some of the labels. If I have to stick with bar graph, then it would be helpful to have an idea of how to do this.

    This is the code I currently have, but obviously the way I am generating the bars for the twoway plot is not correct given that not all the values are positive.

    graph bar (asis) comp_ugap comp_pc_urate comp_infl_exp comp_pc_infl if inrange(date_yq, tq(1984q1), tq(2019q4)), over(date_yq, label(angle(45) alternate labsize(tiny))) bargap(.1) name(inflation_components_v1, replace) stack title("Inflation Decomposition")  legend(order(1 "Unemployment Gap" 2 "PC of Unemployment Gap" 3 "Inflation Expectations" 4 "PC of Inflation Deviations"))
    * Generate bars for the decomposition chart
    gen bar_pc_infl = comp_pc_infl
    gen bar_infl_exp = comp_infl_exp + comp_pc_infl 
    gen bar_pc_urate = comp_pc_urate + comp_infl_exp + comp_pc_infl
    gen bar_ugap = comp_ugap + comp_pc_urate + comp_infl_exp + comp_pc_infl
    twoway (bar bar_ugap date_yq, barwidth(.75)) || ///
           (bar bar_pc_urate date_yq, barwidth(.75)) || ///
           (bar bar_infl_exp date_yq, barwidth(.75)) || ///
           (bar bar_pc_infl date_yq, barwidth(.75)) || ///
           (line cpi_infl_yoyUSA date_yq) if inrange(date_yq, tq(1984q1), tq(2019q4)), title("Inflation Decomposition") legend(order(1 "Unemployment Gap" 2 "PC of Unemployment Gap" 3 "Inflation Expectations" 4 "PC of Inflation Deviations" 5 "YoY CPI Inflation")) xlabel(,angle(45))
    Here is a snippet of the data from 2010-2019:

    input double date_yq float(cpi_infl_yoyUSA infl_exp ugap pc_infl pc_urate b_pc_infl b_infl_exp b_pc_urate b_ugap comp_pc_infl comp_infl_exp comp_pc_urate comp_ugap)
    201   1.767765 1.8775   4.789333  1.1343961   .8520799 .3012544 .850033 -.12143505 -.072333366   .3417418  1.595937  -.10347237   -.3464286
    202  1.1756089 1.7209  4.6296663  -.2795476  .17345235 .3012544 .850033 -.12143505 -.072333366 -.08421494  1.462822 -.021063196   -.3348793
    203   1.270248  1.609      4.671  -.5092422  2.2899835 .3012544 .850033 -.12143505 -.072333366 -.15341145  1.367703  -.27808428   -.3378691
    204   2.141127 1.7247  4.2133336   .8880997 -1.9988465 .3012544 .850033 -.12143505 -.072333366   .2675439 1.4660518   .24273004   -.3047646
    205  3.4303954 2.1304  4.2556667  1.4024277 -4.3533335 .3012544 .850033 -.12143505 -.072333366   .4224875 1.8109102    .5286473   -.3078267
    206   3.756174 2.0125      4.198    .826742  -.8935137 .3012544 .850033 -.12143505 -.072333366  .24905966 1.7106915   .10850388   -.3036555
    207  3.2937765 1.9692  3.8413334  1.2592603   1.966702 .3012544 .850033 -.12143505 -.072333366   .3793577  1.673885  -.23882657  -.27785656
    208   2.815192  2.075   3.484666   .3722294   .6017069 .3012544 .850033 -.12143505 -.072333366  .11213575 1.7638185  -.07306831  -.25205764
    209   1.889765 2.1831      3.429 -1.1387343  .36911225 .3012544 .850033 -.12143505 -.072333366  -.3430487  1.855707  -.04482317   -.2480311
    210  1.6977844 2.1098   3.271334   .3159398 -1.0183913 .3012544 .850033 -.12143505 -.072333366  .09517825 1.7933997    .1236684   -.2366266
    211  1.8893654 2.1931      3.048   .7706487   .6093867 .3012544 .850033 -.12143505 -.072333366   .2321613 1.8642073  -.07400091  -.22047213
    212   1.681829    2.1   2.990333  -.9458265   2.596865 .3012544 .850033 -.12143505 -.072333366  -.2849344 1.7850692   -.3153504  -.21630086
    213  1.3928498 2.0414   2.799333  -.8478221   2.510469 .3012544 .850033 -.12143505 -.072333366 -.25541013 1.7352573   -.3048589   -.2024852
    214  1.5533587 1.8626   2.507333   .5671202  .09379639 .3012544 .850033 -.12143505 -.072333366  .17084745 1.5832714  -.01139017  -.18136385
    215   1.233471  1.984  2.2153335  -.5762158  -.6486745 .3012544 .850033 -.12143505 -.072333366 -.17358755 1.6864654   .07877183  -.16024253
    216  1.4054564 1.8881  1.9556665 -.28374568  1.1163388 .3012544 .850033 -.12143505 -.072333366 -.08547963 1.6049473  -.13556267  -.14145994
    217  2.0508456 1.9583  1.4959998  1.0971627  -.9334263 .3012544 .850033 -.12143505 -.072333366   .3305251 1.6646196   .11335067   -.1082107
    218   1.783154  2.099  1.3696666   .5602407 -.50588816 .3012544 .850033 -.12143505 -.072333366  .16877496 1.7842193   .06143256   -.0990726
    219  1.2480277 1.9162  1.0099998  -.4613005  .23187394 .3012544 .850033 -.12143505 -.072333366  -.1389688 1.6288333 -.028157625  -.07305668
    220 -.06269593 1.8938   .8493333 -1.9720105    .896744 .3012544 .850033 -.12143505 -.072333366  -.5940768 1.6097925  -.10889616  -.06143514
    221 -.03827201 1.9731   .7563334  -.0876354   .1153743 .3012544 .850033 -.12143505 -.072333366 -.02640055    1.6772 -.014010483  -.05470814
    222   .1095034 2.0422   .4289999  .14783333 -1.2434194 .3012544 .850033 -.12143505 -.072333366  .04453544 1.7359375    .1509947 -.031031007
    223   .4662646 2.0435   .3693333  .58983105  .08079761 .3012544 .850033 -.12143505 -.072333366   .1776892 1.7370423 -.009811662  -.02671512
    224  1.0802671 1.9849  .24300003  .19646227  1.0364263 .3012544 .850033 -.12143505 -.072333366  .05918512 1.6872305  -.12585849  -.01757701
    225  1.0470631 2.0574   .2833333  -.7048873    .196718 .3012544 .850033 -.12143505 -.072333366  -.2123504  1.748858  -.02388846  -.02049445
    226  1.1176153 2.2276  .25699997  -1.342066  -.5964288 .3012544 .850033 -.12143505 -.072333366  -.4043033 1.8935336   .07242736 -.018589674
    227  1.8006208 2.2029  .13066673  -.7500671   .7978568 .3012544 .850033 -.12143505 -.072333366   -.225961 1.8725376  -.09688778 -.009451564
    228  2.5393205 2.3596 -.06133318  2.4358275   .5196755 .3012544 .850033 -.12143505 -.072333366   .7338037 2.0057378  -.06310682  .004436435
    229  1.9019914  2.275 -.25433302  .16263594  -.8419599 .3012544 .850033 -.12143505 -.072333366  .04899479  1.933825   .10224345  .018396763
    230   1.966925 2.2053 -.27966642 .069986925   1.259212 .3012544 .850033 -.12143505 -.072333366  .02108387  1.874578  -.15291247  .020229213
    231  2.1175575 2.0907  -.4383335    .354585  -.5408554 .3012544 .850033 -.12143505 -.072333366  .10682028  1.777164  .065678805   .03170614
    232  2.2141945 2.2117  -.5636668  -1.298792 -1.5147632 .3012544 .850033 -.12143505 -.072333366  -.3912668  1.880018   .18394536   .04077192
    233   2.711887 2.2597  -.6546664 -.57885927  -.8058838 .3012544 .850033 -.12143505 -.072333366  -.1743839 1.9208196   .09786254   .04735423
    234    2.64094 2.2589  -.8123333  1.4723552  -.9567183 .3012544 .850033 -.12143505 -.072333366   .4435535 1.9201394   .11617914   .05875881
    235  2.2031314 2.3658  -.7356665   .8729657   .7209505 .3012544 .850033 -.12143505 -.072333366  .26298475  2.011008  -.08754867   .05321323
    236   1.644936 2.2651  -.6923335  -.3188704 -.04583866 .3012544 .850033 -.12143505 -.072333366  -.0960611 1.9254097   .00556642   .05007881
    237  1.8113756 2.0855  -.9146664   .7916945  -1.063224 .3012544 .850033 -.12143505 -.072333366  .23850144 1.7727438   .12911266    .0661609
    238  1.7574885 2.0369  -.9370003  -.9528717 -1.0080968 .3012544 .850033 -.12143505 -.072333366  -.2870568 1.7314322    .1224183   .06777638
    239   2.032914 2.1384  -.9250002 -1.0397493   -.311735 .3012544 .850033 -.12143505 -.072333366   -.313229 1.8177106   .03785555  .066908374
    240          .      .          .          .          . .3012544 .850033 -.12143505 -.072333366          .         .           .           .
    241          .      .          .          .          . .3012544 .850033 -.12143505 -.072333366          .         .           .           .
    242          .      .          .          .          . .3012544 .850033 -.12143505 -.072333366          .         .           .           .
    format %tq date_yq


    • #3
      I gather that these components are considered to be additive, but not only they often negative, they seem to have quite different magnitudes.

      Here is a different take. Anyone liking the main idea would probably want to move on to different colours.

      rename (comp_ugap comp_pc_urate comp_infl_exp comp_pc_infl) (comp#), addnumber
      reshape long comp, i(date_yq) j(which)
      label def which 1 "Unemployment Gap" 2  "PC of Unemployment Gap" 3  "Inflation Expectations" 4  "PC of Inflation Deviations"
      label val which which
      twoway bar comp date_yq, by(which, yrescale col(1) note("")) ytitle(%) xla(200(4)240, format(%tq)) xtitle("") fcolor(stc1*0.2)
      Click image for larger version

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ID:	1752739


      • #4
        Shortly after posting I found this post on Statalist:

        I was able to get the chart that I needed with the following adaptations:

        gen top = 0 
        gen bottom = 0 
        foreach j in infl_exp pc_urate ugap pc_infl { 
            gen base_`j' = cond(comp_`j' >=  0, top, bottom)
            gen show_`j' = base_`j' + comp_`j'
            replace top = top + comp_`j' if comp_`j' >= 0 
            replace bottom = bottom + comp_`j' if comp_`j' < 0 
        local opts barw(0.75)
        twoway (rbar base_ugap show_ugap date_yq, `opts') || /// 
        (rbar base_pc_urate show_pc_urate date_yq, `opts') || ///
        (rbar base_infl_exp show_infl_exp date_yq, `opts') || ///
        (rbar base_pc_infl show_pc_infl date_yq, `opts') || ///
        (line cpi_infl_yoyUSA date_yq) if inrange(date_yq, tq(1984q1), tq(2019q4)) ,  title("Inflation Decomposition") legend(order(1 "PC of Inflation Deviations" 2 "PC of Unemployment Gap" 3 "Inflation Expectations" 4 "Unemployment Gap" 5 "YoY CPI Inflation")) xlabel(,angle(45))


        • #5
          Thanks for the suggestion, Nick. Part of the point of the graph is to highlight the different magnitudes that you noted. Your method from a different post was helpful in getting what I needed, though.

