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  • Interpretation of triple DDD results and margins commands

    I'm trying to test and interpret the triple DDD results, but I'm not so sure whether I'm doing it correctly or not.
    Here is brief information on the dataset.
    I want to look at the different variations of a policy in age groups and states on outcome over multiple time points (monthly data). My variables are:
    lnr(outcome variable, log-transformed, continuous), after(0=before policy, 1=after policy). agecut(0=not eligible to the policy, 1=eligibile to the policy), state(0=most affected by policy, 1=least affected by policy), I included several time-variant covariates in the model.

    So, using the information, I tried to conduct DDD analysis and checked many resources online.
    What I found useful is from threads answered by Clyde Schechter on statalist, especially:

    I was confused what to use among following commands: areg, reg, xtreg....
    So, since my data is panel, it seems like I should use xtset, but still I'm not sure what to choose for the clustered unit.
    So, what I did was
    make a group egen group=group(agecut, state)
    and then I run following commands

    xtset group date
    xtreg lnr after##agecut##state, fe vce(cluster group)
    I got results as follows:

    xtreg lnall after##agecut##state , fe vce(cluster group)
    note: 1.agecut omitted because of collinearity.
    note: 1.state omitted because of collinearity.
    note: 1.agecut#1.state omitted because of collinearity.

    Fixed-effects (within) regression Number of obs = 478
    Group variable: group Number of groups = 4

    R-squared: Obs per group:
    Within = 0.2676 min = 119
    Between = 0.5920 avg = 119.5
    Overall = 0.0222 max = 120

    F(3,3) = .
    corr(u_i, Xb) = -0.3304 Prob > F = .

    (Std. err. adjusted for 4 clusters in group)

    lnall Coefficient std. err. t P>t [95% conf. interval]

    1.after .2953712 .1775576 1.66 0.195 -.2696964 .8604388
    1.agecut 0 (omitted)

    1 1 -.2058707 .0000757 -2720.35 0.000 -.2061115 -.2056298

    1.state 0 (omitted)

    1 1 -.1969057 .0039654 -49.66 0.000 -.2095253 -.1842862

    1 1 0 (omitted)

    1 1 1 -.2337231 .0000769 -3040.10 0.000 -.2339678 -.2334785

    _t -.0065143 .0030299 -2.15 0.121 -.0161567 .0031282
    _cons 1.20883 .0824415 14.66 0.001 .9464647 1.471196

    sigma_u .73399724
    sigma_e .50681238
    rho .6771552 (fraction of variance due to u_i)

    margins, over (after) at(state=(0 1)) noestimcheck post, if agecut==1

    Predictive margins Number of obs = 239
    Model VCE: Robust

    Expression: Linear prediction, predict()
    Over: after
    1._at: 0.after
    state = 0
    state = 0
    2._at: 0.after
    state = 1
    state = 1

    Margin std. err. z P>z [95% conf. interval]

    1 0 1.039387 .0000436 2.4e+04 0.000 1.039302 1.039473
    1 1 .7335141 .001994 367.86 0.000 .7296059 .7374223
    2 0 1.039387 .0000436 2.4e+04 0.000 1.039302 1.039473
    2 1 .3028852 .0020336 148.94 0.000 .2988995 .306871

    margins, over (after) at(state=(0 1)) noestimcheck post, if agecut==0

    Predictive margins Number of obs = 239
    Model VCE: Robust

    Expression: Linear prediction, predict()
    Over: after
    1._at: 0.after
    state = 0
    state = 0
    2._at: 0.after
    state = 1
    state = 1

    Margin std. err. z P>z [95% conf. interval]

    1 0 1.0378 .0000273 3.8e+04 0.000 1.037747 1.037854
    1 1 .9404007 .002019 465.77 0.000 .9364435 .944358
    2 0 1.0378 .0000273 3.8e+04 0.000 1.037747 1.037854
    2 1 .743495 .0019465 381.96 0.000 .7396799 .7473102

    Did I correctly specify the model?

    So here are my questions: 1) why are F (3,3) and Prob>F are dotted?
    2) How should I interpret the results of margins commands?
    3) When I reported it at a journal, what information should I report? Many studies I have read present findings exactly like table 9.3 in the following webpage:
    However, I can't have this kind of result with the margin commands I run. Did I do something wrong?

    Thanks in advance for your interest.

  • #2
    Sorry, but I wish to ask a question about your code.

    Why do you cluster the variance on group=group(agecut, state), but not just cluster on agecut? Is it based on your understanding of the data? Thanks.

