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  • net reclassification index (NRI) and integrated discrimination index (IDI)*computing confidence intervals

    Hi All,

    I am having difficulties obtaining 95% CI's from the NRI and IDI command in stata.
    I have pasted below some sample code and output. The output reports only the p-value.
    Does anyone have any ideas on how I can obtain 95% CI's from this. Thanks alot, Tejas.

    . idi MACE height $xlist

    Integrated Discrimination Improvement for height = 0.0005
    Standard Error = 0.0005
    z = 0.8680
    P-value (one-sided) = 0.1927
    P-value (two-sided) = 0.3854

    *Note: $xlist simply refers to a custom varlist i have created for purposes of IDI; MACE, major adverse cardiovascular events.
    Last edited by tejas singh; 07 May 2021, 02:01.

  • #2
    idi is a community contributed package. It is good that you tell us that and where you got it from. Sometimes there are various versions floating around in cyberspace. You can imagine the confusion that occurs when we talk about different versions without realizing it.

    A quick glance at the literature suggests (but correct me if I am wrong) that the test is based on a standard normal distribution. So the 95% confidence interval is:

    // open example data
    sysuse nlsw88, clear
    // prepare the data
    gen byte black = race == 2 if !missing(race)
    label variable black "respondent's race"
    label define black 0 "not black" ///
                       1 "black"
    label value black black
    idi union black grade south collgrad
    di "lb = " r(idi) - invnormal(.975)*r(se)
    di "ub = " r(idi) + invnormal(.975)*r(se)
    Maarten L. Buis
    University of Konstanz
    Department of history and sociology
    box 40
    78457 Konstanz


    • #3
      Hi Maarten, Thanks for your rapid help. Much appreciated.


      • #4

        I use the NRI package from Mark Lunt (net from

        I am calculating the categorical NRI for the new risk factor "plaqueburden". I set the risk tresholds at 5%, 10% and 15%.

        I use the following syntax:
        nri priorCVD plaqueburden sex age smk lpa diabetes CVDinfamily, at(0.05 0.10 0.15)

        Results are as follows:
        In subjects with priorCVD == 1, 18.64% had increased probabilities
        In subjects with priorCVD == 1, 15.25% had decreased probabilities

        In subjects with priorCVD == 0, 6.07% had increased probabilities
        In subjects with priorCVD == 0, 10.86% had decreased probabilities

        Net Reclassification Improvement for plaqueburden = 0.0818
        Standard Error = 0.0542
        z = 1.5109
        P-value (one-sided) = 0.0654
        P-value (two-sided) = 0.1308

        However, I have trouble obtaining the 95% CI. Maybe I should manage this by the information given in the thread above, but I am not. Would very much appreciate if anyone could provide the correct syntax.

