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  • Graph label while using "ciplot" command

    Dear All,

    Here is my data. It is in wide form (survey data). For instance I will use Vitamin D variable which is in continuous form and I have categorized it into binary form as given below. I created a "ciplot" for the prevalence of Vit D deficiency using the following code:
    gen vitD_def=.
    replace vitD_def=1 if hydrov_unic<12
    replace vitD_def=0 if hydrov_unic>11 & hydrov_unic<136
    ciplot vitD_def [aw=nat_weight_bio], by(state) horizontal title("Prevalence of Vit D deficiency among 10 to 19 years") xtitle("Mean prevalence", size(small)) ytitle("States", size(small)) ylab(,labsize(small))  msymbol(circle) msize(vsmall)
    I got the following graph on running this command. I am confused how should I label the x axis here. Objective:- To know the prevalence with 95% confidence interval across each states
    Pardon if my question is not clear
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Graph.png
Views:	1
Size:	130.7 KB
ID:	1607739

    Last edited by Rukman Mecca; 05 May 2021, 00:41.

  • #2
    Dear Rukman,

    This may no longer be relevant but I saw your post only now. The label axis, in this case, indicates the proportion of people for who Y=1 (suffer from vit. D deficiency).


    • #3
      I missed this post somehow but reading it later I have to be sorry that I don't understand quite what is being asked. Mean prevalence is what the graph shows.

