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  • Stata 17 Bookmarks Not Working and No Navigation Control

    After creating bookmarks in Stata 17.0, I am not provided a Navigation Control by which I can navigate to the bookmarks.

    I have created a bookmark using the a) drop-down menu, b) keyboard shortcut (option + command + left-arrow), or c) clicking in margin. Each option lists a bookmark (**#). I then type a comment after the bookmark (e.g., "regression") on the same line as **#. However, there is no Navigation Control in the bottom-left of the do file editor, as seen on Stata's website (

    Is this a malfunction, or have I misunderstood how to navigate bookmarks?

    I use macOS Catalina 10.15.7 and Stata 17.0

  • #2
    Update. The bookmark icon and Navigation Control are appearing, but neither appeared initially. I've replicated the problem. After creating a bookmark, neither the bookmark icon nor does the bookmark appear in the Navigation Control appear initially, but both appear after some time.


    • #3
      And now, just minutes later, I cannot replicate the problem, and creating a bookmark immediately generates a bookmark icon, and the bookmark comment appears in the Navigation Control.


      • #4
        This may or may not be related to your issue but: I've found that, when I am using an external monitor, the bookmark navigation control "appears" below the bottom of the do-file editor window, and so is hidden if your do-file editor window is maximized vertically.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Bert Lloyd View Post
          This may or may not be related to your issue but: I've found that, when I am using an external monitor, the bookmark navigation control "appears" below the bottom of the do-file editor window, and so is hidden if your do-file editor window is maximized vertically.
          I can't reproduce the problem where the Navigation Control is hidden if the Do-file Editor window is maximized vertically. I opened a Do-file Editor window on my external monitor and then clicked the green maximize button to have the Do-file Editor window enter full screen mode. I could still see the Navigation Control at the bottom of the window on the status bar. I then exited full screen mode and pressed the Option key and clicked the green maximize button to maximize the Do-file Editor window. Again, I could see the Navigation Control. I then opened a Do-file Editor window on my primary display (which is bigger than my external monitor), resized the window so that it's taller than my external monitor, then dragged the window to the external monitor. After I dragged the window, it was automatically resized by macOS to fit within the external monitor and again, I could see the Navigation Control.
          -Chinh Nguyen


          • #6
            Chinh Nguyen (StataCorp) , I have been able to replicate this behaviour. This is what I did. In this setup, I have my laptop display and an external monitor.

            1) Open up Stata and maximize it to the external disaply
            2) Open up the do-file editor and maximize it to the laptop display.
            3) Create a bookmark in the do-file, and some other text besides.
            4) Click the drop-down list for bookmark navigation. The drop-down list will either be seen to float above the drop-down element

            A screenshot from the above configuration is attached, showing a floating menu.

            If I reverse the monitor choice in steps #1 and #2, then the drop down menu is off screen (presumably below where it should be).

            For reproducibility
            Windows 10 Pro, fully updated Stata (05may2021).
            Both monitors set to1920x1080 resolution and 125% scaling.

            Edit to add: If both windows are in the same monitor, I don't have any issues.

            Click image for larger version

Name:	floating_bookmarks.png
Views:	2
Size:	41.1 KB
ID:	1610191
            Attached Files
            Last edited by Leonardo Guizzetti; 17 May 2021, 11:38.


            • #7
              I should have mentioned: Stata 17.0 MP updated to 5 May, Windows 10

              Similar to Leonardo Guizzetti the navigation pane appears correctly in the external monitor if and only if Stata itself is on the external monitor. If I have Stata on my laptop screen and the do-file editor on the external monitor, then the navigation pane is hidden.


              • #8
                Sorry, I was assuming you were on macOS since Seth Hunter is. I'll have our Windows developers investigate.
                -Chinh Nguyen


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Leonardo Guizzetti View Post
                  Chinh Nguyen (StataCorp) , I have been able to replicate this behaviour. This is what I did. In this setup, I have my laptop display and an external monitor.

                  1) Open up Stata and maximize it to the external disaply
                  2) Open up the do-file editor and maximize it to the laptop display.
                  3) Create a bookmark in the do-file, and some other text besides.
                  4) Click the drop-down list for bookmark navigation. The drop-down list will either be seen to float above the drop-down element

                  A screenshot from the above configuration is attached, showing a floating menu.

                  If I reverse the monitor choice in steps #1 and #2, then the drop down menu is off screen (presumably below where it should be).
                  Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Our Windows developers have been able to reproduce the problem and are investigating.
                  -Chinh Nguyen


                  • #10
                    I am using Stata in a Linux environment (Ubuntu 20.04.5) and I can't navigate to bookmarks defined in the .do-file editor. Are there any Stata users using Linux experiencing the same problem?


                    • #11
                      I note that this occurs for me in Windows 11 when the Display Scale differs between my laptop (125% for 1920x1080) and my monitor (100% for 1680x1050), using the Windows recommended display settings. It does not face issues if I change the scale on the second monitor to 125% as on my laptop.

