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  • Stata 17 Speed vs Stata 16.1 Speed

    First of all, congratulations to all for getting the New update. It is great to see STATA putting effort even during covid and lockdowns. I just got my stata 17 and I see huge improvements.

    I am using AMD Ryzen 7 4800H with 40GbRam. On my stata 16.1 MP8 my data with 44.7 Million obs used to take 30 seconds to sort, now on stata 17 MP8 it is taking 16.1 seconds to sort. I also ran few other commands where I manipulate the data. Stata 16.1 used to take 8 minutes to complete that task now Stata 17 takes 3 minutes to complete similar tasks.

    I am not sure how Intel will perform with the new "Intel Math Kernel Library (MKL)" update. However, I am very happy with the new update. Just wanted to thank you guys for the update.

  • #2
    Thanks for sharing your experience and we are glad to hear the new features help your work.

    Intel MKL improves performance of LAPACK based Mata functions such as lu, cholesky, qr; and mata matrix multiplications on both Intel and AMD systems. It just optimizes more aggressively on Intel base systems since it has insider knowledge of the CPU features.


    • #3
      Thanks for the reply. I am very happy with the overall performance. I would suggest people that move to Stata 17 from the previous versions in order to gain significant performance gains.

