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Felix Kaysers #645 you can assign commands to F keys, see chapter 10 of the Users Manual.
Maarten L. Buis
University of Konstanz
Department of history and sociology
box 40
78457 Konstanz
Hi Abdullah Algarni. Your 1st request in #647 reminded me of this FAQ on problems with stepwise (and related) selection methods. I'm sharing it in case you had not seen it before.
It would be incredibly useful to be able to run contemporary tree based models like XGBoost in Stata. I know this can be done in the Python extension, but it would be more efficient and user-friendly to to it natively in Stata.
Jonathan Afilalo I'm not sure I'd agree that a Stata native implementation of XGBoost would be more efficient. It should also be possible to use the existing plug-in capabilities in Stata to link directly to the underlying C/C++ code used by XGBoost without having to invoke the Python interpreter, but reprogramming a highly optimized algorithm in a higher-level language would likely negatively impact efficiency.
wbuchanan You are surely right from a programmer's point of view, but I meant more efficient from a user's point of view! I can already picture the beloved Stata GUI interface for XGBoost's inputs and hyperparameters, would be so nice!
Helen Strongman I gave a talk at the 2020 Stata North America User's Group conference that addressed that: Jonathan Afilalo if someone writes a wrapper that passes the information to the underlying Python/C++ implementation it shouldn't be terribly difficult to generate the dialog box for it; that said, I've tried creating dialog boxes in the past without a ton of success.
Hi Abdullah Algarni. Your 1st request in #647 reminded me of this FAQ on problems with stepwise (and related) selection methods. I'm sharing it in case you had not seen it before.
1-Increase characters length for variable name more than 100+ characters.
2-Insert table into SQL using the variables' labels.
3-Working with APIs -without calling Python.
4-Frames frlink to have all merge not only matched.
5-To have dynamic visuals not only static images, and save images in other formats such as svg.
6-GCE modelling.
1-Increase characters length for variable name more than 100+ characters.
2-Insert table into SQL using the variables' labels.
3-Working with APIs -without calling Python.
4-Frames frlink to have all merge not only matched.
5-To have dynamic visuals not only static images, and save images in other formats such as svg.
6-GCE modelling.
3 -- I agree that increased support for APIs would be great. However, you can call command-line functions such as cURL to query APIs without any need to call Python.
5 -- As of Stata 14, you can export visuals to SVG.
Pystata support for moving data to and from the new, faster, better Apache Arrow / pyarrow backend for DataFrames in pandas 2.0.
Pystata currently does not recognize the pandas pd.NA values as numeric, so I have to manually replace with np.nan which defeats some of the purpose. Pulling data back from Stata, there’s currently an extra step to recast from NumPy-backed to PyArrow-backed.
Also: I second the request for parquet file format.
Ggplot "repel"-style labeling for overlapping labels in graphs, particularly for scatterplots
(I know about mlabvpos but it never looks as nice as I want it to without a lot of manual tinkering. I usually end up using R.)
David Flood I second your proposal. Not only scatterplot need this technique, but also pieplot, scoreplot, loadingplot......