Dear Statalist,
I am using Stata 17 to run panel fixed effects regression.I want to use the command --collect-- to create a table.but how can I add the fixed effects into the table, diaplay "Country fixed effects YES" or "Year fixed effects YES" in the table.In Stata 16,we can easily use --outreg2-- to add them.But In the Collections Systerm, How can I add them?and how can I drop the variable "Year1936" ,"Year 1937".....,I will give an example below.
I am using Stata 17 to run panel fixed effects regression.I want to use the command --collect-- to create a table.but how can I add the fixed effects into the table, diaplay "Country fixed effects YES" or "Year fixed effects YES" in the table.In Stata 16,we can easily use --outreg2-- to add them.But In the Collections Systerm, How can I add them?and how can I drop the variable "Year1936" ,"Year 1937".....,I will give an example below.
webuse grunfeld,clear collect clear collect _r_b _r_se, tag(model[(1)]):xtreg invest mvalue kstock i.year,fe r collect _r_b _r_se, tag(model[(2)]):xtreg invest c.mvalue##c.kstock i.year,fe r collect layout (colname#result) (model) collect style showbase off collect style cell, nformat(%5.2f) border(right, pattern(nil)) collect style cell result[_r_se], sformat("(%s)") collect preview collect style cell cell_type[item column-header], halign(center) collect style header result, level(hide) collect style column, extraspace(1) collect stars _r_p 0.01 "***" 0.05 "** " 0.1 "* " 1 " ", attach(_r_b) collect layout (colname#result[_r_b _r_se] result[r2 N]) (model) collect style header result[r2 N], level(label) collect style header colname, level(value) collect style row stack, spacer delimiter(" x ") collect label levels result N "N" r2 "R2", modify collect style cell result[N], nformat(%5.0f) collect preview -------------------------------------- (1) (2) -------------------------------------- mvalue 0.12*** 0.05** (0.01) (0.02) kstock 0.36*** -0.10 (0.05) (0.09) Year=1936 -19.20 8.67 (20.70) (13.04) Year=1937 -40.69 10.28 (33.28) (21.93) Year=1938 -39.23** -5.39 (15.74) (9.69) Year=1939 -69.47** -17.28 (27.00) (11.53) Year=1940 -44.24** 12.77 (17.37) (14.41) Year=1941 -18.80 40.78 (17.85) (23.91) Year=1942 -21.14 37.33 (14.16) (24.42) Year=1943 -42.98*** 26.04 (12.54) (21.26) Year=1944 -43.10*** 29.63 (11.00) (22.01) Year=1945 -55.68*** 24.21 (15.20) (20.04) Year=1946 -31.17 53.22 (20.92) (31.08) Year=1947 -39.39 51.77 (26.44) (31.41) Year=1948 -43.72 59.54 (38.88) (38.97) Year=1949 -73.50* 39.20 (38.25) (32.82) Year=1950 -75.90* 44.72 (36.80) (35.26) Year=1951 -62.48 64.30 (49.42) (43.71) Year=1952 -64.63 75.70 (51.56) (50.52) Year=1953 -67.72 79.40 (43.74) (51.40) Year=1954 -93.53** 68.77 (31.73) (48.68) mvalue x kstock 0.00*** (0.00) _cons -32.84 41.99* (19.78) (21.39) R2 0.80 0.87 N 200 200 --------------------------------------