I am using graph combine to group time series plots.
As you know dates on the x-axis are special, so I specify the manually (the same for all sub-graphs)
For each single graph this produces the axis labels how I want them. However, when I combine it using
It does display the correct angle, but not the dates I provided (instead it gives the dates I would get without manual entry). Did you experience this too and have an idea where it could come from?
As you know dates on the x-axis are special, so I specify the manually (the same for all sub-graphs)
xlab(`=d(29feb2020)' `=d(01may2020)' `=d(01jul2020)' `=d(01sep2020)' `=d(01nov2020)' `=d(01jan2021)' `=d(28feb2021)', format(%td) ang(45))
graph combine lux switz italy ser, ysize(25) xsize(45) xcommon graphregion(color(white))