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  • Occupation, education and college cohort fixed effects

    I hope someone can help me with this issue in estimating the below model

    The model includes :
    • The dependent variable is the proportion of female directors by detailed occupation fields ( 144 field) and by college cohort ( 8 cohorts) .
    • The key independent variable is the proportion of females by detailed education fields ( 133 field) and by college cohort (8 cohorts) .
    • The control set includes a set of variables .
    • I used ordinary least square to examine the association between the key independent variable and dependent variable.
    • Standard Errors are clustered by detailed occupation fields ( 144 field) , detailed education fields (133 field) and college cohort to control for within variation in these groups
    • I use repeated cross sectional surveys to estimate the above model

    My question: do I need to add detailed occupation fields (144 fields) , educational fields (133 field) , college cohort dummies as fixed effects in the model?

  • #2
    If I understand correctly, you wish to estimate a linear model by OLS of the proportion of female directors against proportion of females and a set of control variables. When you say the variable is "by detailed occupation fields" what does this mean. That you have proportionofdirectors_occupation1, proportionofdirectors_occupation2 ... etc?

    Whilst I don't fully understand the dataset you have (perhaps you could provide an excerpt), my instinctual response would be that you want to control for occupation, education and (perhaps) college cohort.



    • #3
      Thank you for your reply Ryhs

      You are right I want to control for occupation, education, college cohort , but am confused why i need that ?
      I already use the finer categorization to construct the dependent variable and key independent variable of interest

      my guess is that i need only to cluster errors by these groups to control the variation within these groups
      • The dependent variable : the count of female director within occupation field j divided by the total number of directors in the same occupation j ( same as you explained )
      egen total = total(female_director), by(detailed_group_occupation)
      bys detailed_group_occupation : gen prop0= (total)/(_N)
      drop total
      • The key independent variable: the count of female within education field k divided by the total number of individuals in the same educational field k
      egen total = total(female), by(detailed_group_education)
      bys detalied_group_education : gen prop1 = (total)/(_N)
      drop total

      Am interested in the association between these two variables

      My confusion is whether i need to add occupation and education detailed dummies as fixed effects in the OLS model?


      • #4
        Originally posted by Samiya Mohammed View Post
        Thank you for your reply Ryhs

        You are right I want to control for occupation, education, college cohort , but am confused why i need that ?
        I already use the finer categorization to construct the dependent variable and key independent variable of interest

        my guess is that i need only to cluster errors by these groups to control the variation within these groups
        • The dependent variable : the count of female director within occupation field j divided by the total number of directors in the same occupation j ( same as you explained )
        egen total = total(female_director), by(detailed_group_occupation)
        bys detailed_group_occupation : gen prop0= (total)/(_N)
        drop total
        • The key independent variable: the count of female within education field k divided by the total number of individuals in the same educational field k
        egen total = total(female), by(detailed_group_education)
        bys detalied_group_education : gen prop1 = (total)/(_N)
        drop total

        Am interested in the association between these two variables

        My confusion is whether i need to add occupation and education detailed dummies as fixed effects in the OLS model?

        Thanks for providing more details on the construction of your variables. Yes, I think you ought to control for occupation and education dummies in the OLS model (i.e. add i.occupation and as controls).
        At the moment you are effectively running the regression %DirectorsthatareFemale = a + b(%ofstudentsthatareFemale) + e
        You are treating each observation as independent (and clustering your standard errors, which is good). But, if there is correlation between %Directors and Education, and %Students and Education (the same for Occupation) then you will have omitted variable bias. Whether correlation in this form exists is something you can test and I encourage you to do so.



        • #5
          Thank you Rhys for your very helpful reply and suggestion


          • #6
            Originally posted by Samiya Mohammed View Post
            Thank you for your reply Ryhs

            You are right I want to control for occupation, education, college cohort , but am confused why i need that ?
            I already use the finer categorization to construct the dependent variable and key independent variable of interest

            my guess is that i need only to cluster errors by these groups to control the variation within these groups
            • The dependent variable : the count of female director within occupation field j divided by the total number of directors in the same occupation j ( same as you explained )
            egen total = total(female_director), by(detailed_group_occupation)
            bys detailed_group_occupation : gen prop0= (total)/(_N)
            drop total
            • The key independent variable: the count of female within education field k divided by the total number of individuals in the same educational field k
            egen total = total(female), by(detailed_group_education)
            bys detalied_group_education : gen prop1 = (total)/(_N)
            drop total

            In addition to these calculations and research, I was also tasked with compiling an annotated bibliography of the literature and sources I use for my research. I had problems with this and I had to go to where I was given professional help in writing an annotated bibliography.
            Am interested in the association between these two variables

            My confusion is whether i need to add occupation and education detailed dummies as fixed effects in the OLS model?

            I am very grateful to you for the explanation.

