I want to create a series of graphs with -tabplot- from Stata Journal. The categories on the x- and y-axis should be fixed in order to recognise the patterns better. But when I select certain observations a number of categories will have no obsverations. At the moment the graph displays bars at categories where there are no observations. I do not know which trick I need to do...
The example includes a variable (luf_t_m) as subjects, a variable with sources (fwl_i) and a variable with publication types (pubtype) and an observation id-variable (core_id). Overall, I would like to present subjects by sources and to see if the contribution of sources differ by publication type I limit it e.g. to books (pubtype==2).
Here is the code which is quite lengthy because I manipulate the labels but I wanted it to be as realistic as possible to my own code:
![tabp_dataex.png tabp_dataex.png](filedata/fetch?id=1596936&d=1615302424&type=small)
Any idea, where I missed something.
The example includes a variable (luf_t_m) as subjects, a variable with sources (fwl_i) and a variable with publication types (pubtype) and an observation id-variable (core_id). Overall, I would like to present subjects by sources and to see if the contribution of sources differ by publication type I limit it e.g. to books (pubtype==2).
Here is the code which is quite lengthy because I manipulate the labels but I wanted it to be as realistic as possible to my own code:
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input int luf_t_m byte fwl_i int core_id byte pubtype 290 0 28285 5 400 0 28647 1 490 0 28155 1 490 0 28785 1 400 0 28816 1 410 0 28033 1 360 0 27547 5 490 0 27724 5 490 0 28213 1 490 0 27942 1 235 0 28623 1 410 0 28665 1 490 0 28657 2 490 0 28443 1 490 0 28401 1 490 1 7265 1 490 1 11203 1 490 1 10855 1 410 1 8839 1 490 1 3950 1 360 1 4943 1 370 1 3223 1 490 1 6075 1 360 1 3080 1 400 1 1754 1 490 1 2647 1 400 1 2940 1 540 1 2615 1 410 1 3139 1 370 1 1878 1 765 2 3042 4 470 2 10726 1 490 2 3795 1 470 2 11427 1 490 2 5144 1 315 2 12418 1 490 2 7471 1 315 2 7865 1 80 2 12483 1 370 2 9428 1 490 2 2295 1 540 2 10839 1 400 2 9460 1 490 2 2707 1 235 2 2620 1 235 3 10572 4 315 3 6129 1 290 3 4978 3 765 3 1282 3 765 3 1944 4 370 3 4010 1 490 3 8096 1 490 3 2127 1 490 3 12588 1 765 3 8276 4 470 3 1364 1 400 3 8975 1 400 3 5257 3 490 3 7081 4 400 3 5471 1 490 4 25586 3 410 4 22196 3 490 4 17802 3 490 4 26623 1 490 4 26847 1 490 4 21351 2 490 4 17913 1 540 4 18126 4 490 4 26690 2 490 4 24218 1 490 4 23466 2 490 4 25590 3 490 4 26252 3 490 4 27232 5 320 4 21154 4 490 5 30654 5 490 5 30313 5 80 5 31104 1 490 5 29812 5 490 5 29674 5 410 5 31106 1 490 5 31088 5 490 5 31991 1 80 5 30397 4 490 5 31117 5 490 5 31744 1 470 5 30186 5 490 5 31692 5 490 5 29984 1 690 5 30510 5 470 6 14649 1 470 6 13276 1 400 6 15603 1 765 6 13483 2 315 6 15609 1 400 6 14861 1 490 6 16870 1 490 6 13492 1 315 6 29577 1 490 6 13454 3 490 6 14154 1 490 6 16530 3 490 6 29604 1 370 6 16879 1 490 6 16688 3 490 7 13995 5 400 7 14817 1 490 7 13180 1 490 7 13807 5 340 7 16231 1 490 7 14227 1 470 7 13458 1 490 7 15130 1 400 7 14140 1 490 7 14004 5 490 7 15097 5 490 7 15081 5 490 7 17367 5 470 7 14717 5 490 7 14698 1 end label values luf_t_m l_luf_t label def l_luf_t 50 "G", modify label def l_luf_t 80 "L", modify label def l_luf_t 235 "So", modify label def l_luf_t 290 "Wi", modify label def l_luf_t 315 "Ps", modify label def l_luf_t 360 "Ph", modify label def l_luf_t 370 "Ch", modify label def l_luf_t 400 "Bi", modify label def l_luf_t 410 "Ge", modify label def l_luf_t 470 "Klt", modify label def l_luf_t 490 "Klp", modify label def l_luf_t 520 "Za", modify label def l_luf_t 540 "Ve", modify label def l_luf_t 610 "Ag", modify label def l_luf_t 690 "Ma", modify label def l_luf_t 765 "In", modify label values fwl_i l_fwl_i label def l_fwl_i 0 "not in x", modify label def l_fwl_i 1 "in x", modify label def l_fwl_i 2 "in x1", modify label def l_fwl_i 3 "in x2", modify label def l_fwl_i 4 "in x3", modify label def l_fwl_i 5 "in x4", modify label def l_fwl_i 6 "in x5", modify label def l_fwl_i 7 "in x6", modify label values pubtype l_pubtype label def l_pubtype 1 "Article", modify label def l_pubtype 2 "Book", modify label def l_pubtype 3 "Book Chapter", modify label def l_pubtype 4 "Proceedings", modify label def l_pubtype 5 "Other", modify ********************* Selection of Publication type keep if pubtype==2 ********************* ******************************* label copy l_fwl_i l_fwl_i_cs label copy l_luf_t l_luf_t_cs la val fwl_i l_fwl_i_cs la val luf_t_m l_luf_t_cs *levelsof fwl_i, local(fwli) foreach fwl of num 0/7 { qui sum core_id if fwl_i == `fwl' local ls = `r(N)' local s = `"`ls'"' local vl: label l_fwl_i `fwl' local vlt = `"`vl' (N=`s')"' la de l_fwl_i_cs `fwl' `"`vlt'"', modify local fwln`fwl' = `"(N=`s')"' local fwls`fwl' = `"`vl'"' } levelsof luf_t_m, local(ltm) foreach lt of local ltm { qui sum core_id if luf_t_m == `lt' local ls = `r(N)' local s = `"`ls'"' local vl: label l_luf_t `lt' local vlt = `"`vl' (N=`s')"' la de l_luf_t_cs `lt' `"`vlt'"', modify } qui sum core_id, d local total = `r(N)' tabplot luf_t_m fwl_i , separate(fwl_i) percent(luf_t_m) showval(,mlabs(vsmall) mlabg(zero) ) xtitle("") ytitle("") subtitle(`"N=`total'"') /// xlabel(1 `""`fwls0'" "`fwln0'""' 2 `""`fwls1'" "`fwln1'""' 3 `""`fwls2'" "`fwln2'""' 4 `""`fwls3'" "`fwln3'""' 5 `""`fwls4'" "`fwln4'""' 6 `""`fwls5'" "`fwln5'""' 7 `""`fwls6'" "`fwln6'""' 8 `""`fwls7'" "`fwln7'""', labs(vsmall)) ylabel(, labs(vsmall)) name(tabp_dataex, replace) /// xsc(titlegap(*1.1)) height(.6) /// note("", span)
Any idea, where I missed something.