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  • Small issue in installing -rcall-

    Hi stateliest,
    I'm trying to install a package named "rcall", but has a small issue with that.
    I'm using Mac, and the default path in the package doesn't work, so I changed the path using

    rcall setpath "/Applications/"

    And I typed


    but it gives me error message like: zsh:1: permission denied: /Applications/
    So I changed the path again, this time

    rcall setpath "/Applications/"

    After doing this, the rcall_check command succeeded to open R console, but it doesn't really work and Stata was frozen.
    I read previous posts and tried rcall setpath "/usr/local/bin/r" but it did't help.

    Did anyone have same issue? Or could anyone let me know a solution?

    Thank you!

  • #2
    The easiest way to find the correct path is to see where can you access R within your terminal. So on OS X and Linux you can use the "which" command to find your R path. Then, give that path to rcall set_path "..." command.

    PS. Your stata froze because it actually opened another program and it will remain like that as long as the other program is open. Therefore, you should not give the path of the R application to rcall. just find the path within the terminal.
    E. F. Haghish, IMBI, University of Freiburg
    [email protected]


    • #3
      Hello Hojung,

      were you able to fix this issue? I have tried changing the path to "/Applications/" but Stata freezes.
      Many thanks,



      • #4
        Hi Alessandro,

        Sorry for the late reply.
        I tried "/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/bin/R" and now it works.
        Sometimes R is installed other than the Application folder, so you can check the Library folder.
        Hope this helps.



        • #5
          Hi haghish and all,
          my rcall had beening working well but not today.
          I tried running a previous rcall code and noticed the rcall clear not working. so I tried reinstall rcall but noticed even the installation can't be done properly. I was wondering something wrong with github? following are the outputs of github and rcall installation. the warning showed github not found!!
          I am using the latest R, stata 17, window10. R working very well.
          any help please?

          net install github, from ("")
          checking github consistency and verifying not already installed...
          all files already exist and are up to date.

          . github install haghish/rcall
          checking rcall consistency and verifying not already installed...
          installing into C:\Users\mczbg\ado\plus\...
          installation complete.

          Checking package dependencies
          installing rcall package dependencies:

          . /***
          > Installing package dependency
          > =============================
          > The following R packages are required by rcall. rcall attempts to detect R
          > Statistical Software on your system automatically and install the dependency
          > R packages. If the installation fails, read the rcall help file and install
          > the dependencies manually.
          > ***/
          . // check github version and require minimum of version 2.3.0
          . quietly github version github
          github package was not found

          . if "`r(version)'" < "2.2.0" {
          . di as err "please update your GitHub package"
          please update your GitHub package
          . di as txt "type: github update github"
          type: github update github
          . }

          . rcall_check
          unable to change to \bin

          end of do-file

          end of do-file


          . github version rcall

          . rcall clear
          unable to change to \bin

