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Stata has lots of available free resources, and some you need to pay for, and links to other resources; go to and click on "support"; but start with the manuals, esp. the Getting Started manual and the User's guide (both are included in your purchase of Stata as pdf's)
Whenever I see a question like this, I feel obligated to create a [LINK] to my favourite Stata book, Kit Baum's "An Introduction to Stata Programming." I'm far from having mastered Stata (I don't know how to write music or video games in Stata as some of people on this forum do!) but I know enough about Stata to contribute to the Stata Journal once in a while and most of what I know about Stata comes from the two weeks I had spent on reading Kit's book from cover to cover. No, I don't get any commission from Kit or Stata Press
I disagree with nothing that the others have suggested. In addition this is a nice online tutorial assembled by my colleagues at the UW-Madison Social Science Computing Cooperative. (Note, though, that this is from 2016 so pre-dates version 16.)
Expanding on Rich's answer in post #2, when I began using Stata in a serious way, I started - as others here did - by reading my way through the Getting Started with Stata manual relevant to my setup. Chapter 18 then gives suggested further reading, much of which is in the Stata User's Guide, and I worked my way through much of that reading as well. There are a lot of examples to copy and paste into Stata's do-file editor to run yourself, and better yet, to experiment with changing the options to see how the results change.
All of Stata's manuals are included as PDFs in the Stata installation and are accessible from within Stata - for example, through Stata's Help menu.
The objective in doing this was not so much to master Stata as to be sure I'd become familiar with a wide variety of important basic techniques, so that when the time came that I needed them, I might recall their existence, if not the full syntax, and know how to find out more about them in the help files and manual.
Stata supplies exceptionally good documentation that amply repays the time spent studying it - there's just a lot of it. The path I followed surfaces the things you need to know to get started in a hurry and to work effectively.
Apart from the manuals, I found this book very useful. It is more manageable to read, and the author has an excellent selection of the most important topics.
Hamilton, L. C. (2012). Statistics with Stata: version 12. Cengage Learning.
So here's my personal take..... I wouldn't call myself a master in Stata, but for my age I'd likely say I'm the best in my 5 person cohort at stats in general. Anyways. The way I learned Stata was honestly application based. Sure I started off using it for small projects and stuff, but the moment I had to use it for real on papers my mentor and I wanted to publish, I had to learn it and know it well, especially with loops and other lifesavers.
Over time, you'll develop your own coding style. How you comment your files, how you go about making the do file look good.... for me anyways, as a panel data researcher who works with real world data, there's no substitute for using Stata in the field, for seeing a problem in some dataset you've just downloaded that you've never seen and having to come up with a solution. Being forced to problem solve in an application based way on a project you're comfortable with is invaluable, in addition to the help files, and various textbooks on Stata I could recommend
So here's my personal take..... I wouldn't call myself a master in Stata, but for my age I'd likely say I'm the best in my 5 person cohort at stats in general. Anyways. The way I learned Stata was honestly application based. Sure I started off using it for small projects and stuff, but the moment I had to use it for real on papers my mentor and I wanted to publish, I had to learn it and know it well, especially with loops and other lifesavers.
Over time, you'll develop your own coding style. How you comment your files, how you go about making the do file look good.... for me anyways, as a panel data researcher who works with real world data, there's no substitute for using Stata in the field, for seeing a problem in some dataset you've just downloaded that you've never seen and having to come up with a solution. Being forced to problem solve in an application based way on a project you're comfortable with is invaluable, in addition to the help files, and various textbooks on Stata I could recommend
So here's my personal take..... I wouldn't call myself a master in Stata, but for my age I'd likely say I'm the best in my 5 person cohort at stats in general. Anyways. The way I learned Stata was honestly application based. Sure I started off using it for small projects and stuff, but the moment I had to use it for real on papers my mentor and I wanted to publish, I had to learn it and know it well, especially with loops and other lifesavers.
Recently, I have been increasingly reading articles about, STATA, marketing, about personnel management in companies of various sizes, and yesterday I came across the page where I read quite interesting articles about the role of a leader and about imitation in companies. The role of a leader is to inspire and generate followers who are also individual leaders. The leader's job is to make the change happen in a constructive way. Great leaders find a great balance between qualities, abilities, and behaviors.
Over time, you'll develop your own coding style. How you comment your files, how you go about making the do file look good.... for me anyways, as a panel data researcher who works with real world data, there's no substitute for using Stata in the field, for seeing a problem in some dataset you've just downloaded that you've never seen and having to come up with a solution. Being forced to problem solve in an application based way on a project you're comfortable with is invaluable, in addition to the help files, and various textbooks on Stata I could recommend