Hi David
I am using metan to do a meta-analysis and create forest plots for it. I have data on hazard ratios with their CI. In the output from Stata, I can see that tau-squared comes with confidence interval. I am able to add the tau- squared and I-squared to the forest plot. However, I don't know how I can incorporate the confidence intervals in the forest plot. What I want is that when I create the forest plot, the heterogeneity metrics along with their confidence intervals be reported in the plot.
This is the code I used.
Best regards,
I am using metan to do a meta-analysis and create forest plots for it. I have data on hazard ratios with their CI. In the output from Stata, I can see that tau-squared comes with confidence interval. I am able to add the tau- squared and I-squared to the forest plot. However, I don't know how I can incorporate the confidence intervals in the forest plot. What I want is that when I create the forest plot, the heterogeneity metrics along with their confidence intervals be reported in the plot.
This is the code I used.
metan logHR loglowerCI logupperCI, eform effect(Hazard ratio) random(ebayes) forestplot(hetinfo (isq tausq) extraline(yes))