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  • New SSC command for exporting summarize results and comparing them across datasets

    Good time of day,

    I'm sharing a small ado file for exporting results of the summarize command for all variables in data as a new dataset or as a DTA file using statsby.
    I know that many people, including me, were researching this topic and other export commands like estpost - estout do not integrate with MS Excel very well.
    The command, summarizeby, uses the same syntax as statsby and is available from SSC (ssc install summarizeby). Here are some examples:

    * simple usage
    sysuse auto, clear
    summarizeby, clear
    * apply statsby syntax
    sysuse auto, clear
    summarizeby, clear by(foreign)
    * save into file
    sysuse auto, clear
    summarizeby, saving(summarise)
    * compare data
    sysuse auto, clear
    tempfile f
    summarizeby mean=r(mean) sd=r(sd), saving(`f')
    drop if mpg > 20
    summarizeby mean=r(mean) sd=r(sd), clear
    append using `f', gen(id)
    order id
    label define data 0 "original" 1 "changed"
    label values id data
    * export to excel
    export excel * using "summarize.xlsx", firstrow(variables) replace
    This is my first contribution to SSC, please don't be too judgemental :-)
    Let me know if something doesn't work or you require additional features (for example, I don't really use if and in with summarize or statsby). Thank you!
    Last edited by Ilya Bolotov; 17 Nov 2020, 12:27.

  • #2
    summarizeby is now fully compatible with statsby with a correct description and help file.

    There is a mistake in my example, should be
    label define data 0 "changed" 1 "original"


    • #3
      Dear Ilya,

      With interest I am exploring your command summarizeby.
      First, I am not certain about the version that I have installed using the ssc server.
      The which command results in:
      which summarizeby
      *! version 1.1.0  20nov2020
      If it is the last version, I suggest that you update the date stamp and version reference.

      Next, I note that in the help file of summarizeby you did not include any reference to you as the author etc.
      I suppose that is not what is expected, at least by me, so I suggest to include that.
      See, for example:
      ssc install fre
      h fre


      • #4
        Dear Eric,

        First of all, thank you fro your feedback! I'm not developing ado files for fame.
        You can find the information about the author of each command using
        ssc desc summarizeby
        However, I was planning to update the routine anyway so I will include this information as well.
        Would like to have the option detail in summarizeby?


        • #5
          Dear Ilya,

          Sorry to respond with such delay, but indeed, I think it is useful to have the option detail available in summarizeby?
          So, possibly you have time to implement this as well.

