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  • Rangerun AND Loops - Variables within program not getting created

    Explanation: I realize that rangerun itself emulates a loop structure. But I want to perform it for multiple variables. When I run my program, no new variables are created and I want to know if there is a fatal flaw in my thinking. I also tried trace on and found out that the `thing' from inside the foreach loop is not getting passed to the program three_mths.

    My code looks almost exactly like this

    sysuse sp500.dta, clear
    drop volume change
    global things high low open close
    clear programs
    program three_mths
        egen `1'_3m = pctile(`1'), p(25)
        label variable `1'_3m "Top 25 - last 3 months"
    set trace on
    foreach thing in $things {
        rangerun three_mths, use(`thing') inter(date -90 -1)
    I realize that you might ask me to unwrap the loop and call rangerun multiple times for each variable high, low, open and close separately. However, the actual dataset I am working with has more than 20 variables. And I need to do the percentile thing for 3, 6, 9, and 12 months - which is why getting this small code correct is so important.

    I am also open to other suggestions which might make this easier and/or correct.
    Thank you so much, in advance.

  • #2
    I think I see the potential problem. Your high is -1 of date so the current obs is not included in the rolling sample and that is why it is not generating the variable. Try changing it to 0 and control the sample by "if _n <_N"


    • #3
      Originally posted by Oscar Ozfidan View Post
      I think I see the potential problem. Your high is -1 of date so the current obs is not included in the rolling sample and that is why it is not generating the variable. Try changing it to 0 and control the sample by "if _n <_N"
      I am not entirely sure of this. Because there are 2 points to note:
      1. I do not want to take the current observation (I want the averages to start from my first lag)
      2. More importantly, it works with the high date of -1 without the loop. I ran that first and got no errors.


      • #4
        In your program, the local `1' is undefined because rangerun does not pass arguments to your program. Perhaps the following suggestions will show you a useful direction.
        capture program drop three_mths
        program three_mths
            egen returned = pctile(`1'), p(25)
        foreach thing in $things {
            rangerun three_mths, use(`thing') inter(date -90 -1)
            rename returned `thing'_3m
            label variable `thing'_3m "Top 25 - last 3 months"


        • #5
          rangerun is a community-contributed command ,from SSC, as you are asked to explain (FAQ Advice #12).

          The 25th percentile is the lower quartile -- in what sense that ties up with your wording "Top 25" I don't understand. But I would never fire up egen again and again to get a percentile. There is too much slow code there.

          I can't see your bug, but again I would not assign the same variable label to four different variables.

          You could use
          rangestat (also SSC): there is a detailed example in the help. This seems to work:

          sysuse sp500.dta, clear
          drop volume change
          * ssc inst moremata needed for -mm_quantile()-
          mata clear
          real rowvector loq(real colvector X) {
              return(mm_quantile(X, 1,  0.25))
          foreach thing in high low open close {
              rangestat (loq) `thing', interval(date -90 -1)
              rename loq1 `thing'_p25


          • #6
            This seems to work

            capture program drop myprog
            program myprog
            foreach thing in high low open close {
            egen `thing'_3m = pctile(`thing'), p(25)
            label variable `thing'_3m "Top 25 - last 3 months"
            rangerun myprog, interval(date -90 -1) verbose


            • #7
              asrol has a built-in option for finding percentiles. This can simplify the code to one line. I am using version 5.0 of asrol that has a flexible window.
              net install asrol, from( replace
              foreach v in high low open close {
                  asrol  `v', gen(`v'_pc25)  window(date -91 -1) stat(median) perc(.25)
              list open high high_pc25 low_pc25 in 50/100
                   |    open      high   high_pc25    low_pc25 |
               50. | 1197.66   1197.66   1267.6899     1253.16 |
               51. | 1166.71   1182.04     1267.42     1252.26 |
               52. | 1173.56   1173.56      1266.5     1241.71 |
               53. | 1150.53    1173.5     1265.62     1241.56 |
               54. | 1170.81   1180.56     1264.74     1241.41 |
               55. | 1142.62   1149.39     1263.86     1234.04 |
               56. | 1122.14   1124.27     1263.47     1229.65 |
               57. | 1117.58   1141.83    1261.705    1229.035 |
               58. | 1139.83   1160.02   1259.9399     1228.42 |
               59. | 1152.69   1183.35   1252.8199     1228.33 |
               60. | 1182.17   1182.17     1251.01     1219.74 |
               61. | 1153.29   1161.69     1246.78     1217.59 |
               62. | 1147.95    1162.8     1242.55   1215.4399 |
               63. | 1160.33   1169.51     1241.36      1214.5 |
               64. | 1145.87   1145.87     1233.42     1176.78 |
               65. | 1106.46    1117.5     1197.83      1171.5 |
               66. | 1103.25   1151.47     1197.66     1166.71 |
               67. | 1151.44   1151.44     1183.35     1155.35 |
               68. | 1128.43   1146.13     1182.17     1150.96 |
               69. | 1137.59   1173.92     1182.04     1148.64 |
               70. | 1168.38   1182.24   1180.5601     1147.83 |
               71. | 1165.89   1183.51   1180.5601     1147.83 |
               72. |  1183.5   1184.64   1180.5601     1147.83 |
               73. | 1179.68   1192.25   1180.5601     1147.83 |
               74. | 1191.81   1248.42   1180.5601     1147.83 |
               75. | 1238.16   1253.71   1180.5601     1147.83 |
               76. |  1253.7    1253.7   1180.5601     1147.83 |
               77. | 1242.98   1242.98   1180.5601     1147.83 |
               78. | 1224.36   1233.54   1180.5601     1147.83 |
               79. | 1209.47   1232.36   1180.5601     1147.83 |
               80. | 1228.75    1248.3   1180.5601     1147.83 |
               81. | 1234.52   1253.07   1180.5601     1147.83 |
               82. | 1253.05    1269.3   1180.5601     1147.83 |
               83. | 1249.46   1266.47   1180.5601     1147.83 |
               84. | 1266.44   1272.93   1180.5601     1147.83 |
               85. | 1267.43   1267.43   1180.5601     1147.83 |
               86. | 1248.58   1267.51   1180.5601     1147.83 |
               87. | 1266.61      1270   1180.5601     1147.83 |
               88. | 1266.71   1267.01   1180.5601     1147.83 |
               89. |  1261.2   1261.65   1180.5601     1147.83 |
               90. | 1255.54   1268.14   1180.5601     1147.83 |
               91. | 1255.18   1259.84   1180.5601     1147.83 |
               92. | 1245.67   1249.68   1180.5601     1147.83 |
               93. | 1248.92   1257.45   1180.5601     1147.83 |
               94. | 1249.44   1286.39   1180.5601     1147.83 |
               95. | 1284.99   1296.48   1180.5601     1147.83 |
               96. | 1288.49   1292.06   1180.5601     1147.83 |
               97. | 1291.96   1312.95   1180.5601     1147.83 |
               98. | 1312.83   1315.93   1180.5601     1147.83 |
               99. | 1309.38   1309.38   1180.5601     1147.83 |
              100. | 1289.05   1295.04   1180.5601     1147.83 |
              Last edited by Attaullah Shah; 14 Nov 2020, 02:26.
              Attaullah Shah, PhD.
              Professor of Finance, Institute of Management Sciences Peshawar, Pakistan
              Check out my asdoc program, which sends outputs to MS Word.
              For more flexibility, consider using asdocx which can send Stata outputs to MS Word, Excel, LaTeX, or HTML.


              • #8
                Attaullah Shah This is actually very succinct. Thanks so much!


                • #9
                  I ran into a similar issue in an unrelated project and just created a new variable to deal with it. All variables in your dataset are passed as arguments to program by default. "Use" in rangerun limits the access to the variables; useful if you want to speed things up but unnecessary if you have few variables in your financial dataset

                  sysuse sp500.dta
                  drop volume change
                  global things high low open close
                  clear programs
                  program three_mths
                  egen whatIneed = pctile(tempy), p(25)
                  foreach thing in $things {
                  gen tempy=`thing'
                  rangerun three_mths, inter(date -90 -1)
                  label variable whatIneed "Top 25 - last 3 months"
                  rename whatIneed `thing'_3m
                  drop tempy

                  Hope this helps.
                  Last edited by Aditya Kashikar; 10 Jan 2024, 18:54.

