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  • Logistic odds ratio in loops

    Dear statalist,

    I'm using a logistic regression in a loop, which I later on use in a coefplot
    First I used margins with the command below and this resulted in the first figure:

    webuse lbw
    global outcomes_binary "low smoke"
    global outcomes_continuous "bwt"
    global outcomes "$outcomes_binary $outcomes_continuous"
    global covariates "age lwt ptl ht ui"

    foreach y of global outcomes_binary {
    logit `y' $covariates
    margins, dydx(*) post
    mat b_`y' = r(table)
    mat b_`y' = b_`y'[1..6,1...]'
    mat b_`y' = b_`y'[1...,1], b_`y'[1...,5], b_`y'[1...,6], b_`y'[1...,4]

    foreach y of global outcomes_continuous {
    reg `y' $covariates
    margins, dydx(*) post
    mat b_`y' = r(table)
    mat b_`y' = b_`y'[1..6,1...]'
    mat b_`y' = b_`y'[1...,1], b_`y'[1...,5], b_`y'[1...,6], b_`y'[1...,4]

    local i = 1
    foreach var of global covariates {
    mat `var' = J(1,4,0)
    foreach y of global outcomes {
    mat `var' = `var' \ b_`y'[`i',1...]
    mat `var' = `var'[2...,1...]
    mat rownames `var' = $outcomes_binary $outcomes_continuous $outcomes_ordinal0 $outcomes_ordinal5 $outcomes_ordinal4
    mat colnames `var' = `var' ci_l ci_h
    local i = `i' + 1

    coefplot matrix(age[,1]), ci((age[,2] age[,3])) ///
    || matrix(lwt[,1]), ci((lwt[,2] lwt[,3])) ///
    || matrix(ptl[,1]), ci((ptl[,2] ptl[,3])) ///
    ||, scheme(s1color) xline(0) byopts(row(1)) xlab(-200(200)200 ,format(%9.0f)) mlabel mlabposition(2) format(%9.3f)
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Figure1.png
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Size:	67.2 KB
ID:	1580597

    I would like to change the marginal effects into odds ratios, but when I try this command:

    foreach y of global outcomes_binary {
    logistic `y' $covariates, or
    mat b_`y' = r(table)
    mat b_`y' = b_`y'[1..6,1...]'
    mat b_`y' = b_`y'[1...,1], b_`y'[1...,5], b_`y'[1...,6], b_`y'[1...,4]

    Something goes wrong and the figure is incomplete (smoke & bwt are missing).

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Figure 2.png
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Size:	47.4 KB
ID:	1580598

    Can anyone help me to fix the command for storing odds ratios in loops?
    Thanks in advance!

    Regards, Anouk
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Anouk Klootwijk; 06 Nov 2020, 08:18.

  • #2
    Your problem occurs because in your original code a margins command follows the logit command, but a margins command does not follow the logistic command in your revised code.


    • #3
      Ok thanks for your reply, do you have any suggestions how I could fix it?


      • #4
        Compare your original code that used logit to your revised code that used logistic and see that the margins command is missing from your revised code. Type or paste the missing margins command into your revised code in the same place it appears in your original code.


        • #5
          Thanks for your reply. I'm trying to change the margins command into the logistic command, because I'm trying to display odds ratios in the figure instead of margins. How can I make the logistic command for odds ratios work in the loop?
          Last edited by Anouk Klootwijk; 06 Nov 2020, 15:46.


          • #6
            The documentation provided by the help coefplot command tells us
               eform[(coeflist)] causes point estimates and confidence intervals to be exponentiated. This is
                    useful if you want to plot hazard ratios (HR), incidence-rate ratios (IRR), odds ratios
                    (OR), or relative-risk ratios (RRR). If eform is specified without arguments, then all
                    coefficients of the model are exponentiated. To exponentiate only selected coefficients,
                    specify coeflist as above for keep().
            This suggests that what you want is apparently accomplished with your original code, including both the logit and margins commands, and then adding the appropriate eform options to your coefplot command. This is a start at doing so for your example.
            coefplot matrix(age[,1]), ci((age[,2] age[,3])) eform($outcomes_binary) ///
            || matrix(lwt[,1]), ci((lwt[,2] lwt[,3])) eform($outcomes_binary) ///
            || matrix(ptl[,1]), ci((ptl[,2] ptl[,3])) eform($outcomes_binary) ////
            || , ...
            Last edited by William Lisowski; 06 Nov 2020, 19:52.


            • #7
              Thanks for your reply, unfortunately the figure does not display odds ratios when I try your command.

              Is there another command to save odds ratios of logistic regression in matrix?

              For example:
              foreach y of global outcomes_binary {
              logit `y' $covariates, or
              mat b_`y' = r(table)
              mat b_`y' = b_`y'[1..6,1...]'
              mat b_`y' = b_`y'[1...,1], b_`y'[1...,5], b_`y'[1...,6], b_`y'[1...,4]

              When I tried this and afterwards your command with eform in the coefplot, I had the same figure that I send earlier (figure 2) and other variables (smoke & bwt) were still missing...

              Thanks in advance!


              • #8
                There is part of your code that you are not showing us because the code in #1 does not produce the same coefficients for "birthweight<2500g" and "smoked during pregnancy". In any case, running the code below following William's suggestion does result in odds ratios displayed for selected groups of coefficients. coefplot is from the Stata Journal, as you are asked to explain in FAQ Advice #12.

                webuse lbw, clear
                global outcomes_binary "low smoke"
                global outcomes_continuous "bwt"
                global outcomes "$outcomes_binary $outcomes_continuous"
                global covariates "age lwt ptl ht ui"
                foreach y of global outcomes_binary {
                logit `y' $covariates, or
                mat b_`y' = r(table)
                mat b_`y' = b_`y'[1..6,1...]'
                mat b_`y' = b_`y'[1...,1], b_`y'[1...,5], b_`y'[1...,6], b_`y'[1...,4]
                coefplot matrix(age[,1]), ci((age[,2] age[,3]))  ///
                || matrix(lwt[,1]), ci((lwt[,2] lwt[,3]))  ///
                || matrix(ptl[,1]), ci((ptl[,2] ptl[,3])) ///
                ||, scheme(s1color) xline(0) byopts(row(1)) xlab(-200(200)200 ,format(%9.0f)) mlabel mlabposition(2) format(%9.3f) saving(gr1, replace)
                coefplot matrix(age[,1]), ci((age[,2] age[,3])) eform($outcomes_binary) ///
                || matrix(lwt[,1]), ci((lwt[,2] lwt[,3])) eform($outcomes_binary) ///
                || matrix(ptl[,1]), ci((ptl[,2] ptl[,3])) eform($outcomes_binary) ///
                ||, scheme(s1color) xline(0) byopts(row(1)) xlab(-200(200)200 ,format(%9.0f)) mlabel mlabposition(2) format(%9.3f) saving(gr2, replace)
                graph combine gr1.gph gr2.gph, col(1) scheme(s1color)
                Click image for larger version

Name:	Graph.png
Views:	1
Size:	66.5 KB
ID:	1580687


                • #9
                  Thanks for your reply. I'm using Stata 15.1. When I use your code the odds ratios are still missing in the coefplot... Resulting in this figure:

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	Figure 3.png
Views:	1
Size:	57.4 KB
ID:	1580710
                  What command can I use to visualize the odds ratios in the coefplot?

                  Thanks in advance!


                  • #10
                    I tried the code in Stata 15.1 and it works fine. Maybe you have an older version of coefplot, so try the following code first. If that does not fix it, update your Stata installation. Looking closer, the coefficients in my graph are off - but the fix is to extract the correct coefficients from the matrix, which you should be able to do.

                    ssc install coefplot, replace
                    webuse lbw
                    global outcomes_binary "low smoke"
                    global outcomes_continuous "bwt"
                    global outcomes "$outcomes_binary $outcomes_continuous"
                    global covariates "age lwt ptl ht ui"
                    foreach y of global outcomes_binary {
                    logit `y' $covariates
                    margins, dydx(*) post
                    mat b_`y' = r(table)
                    mat b_`y' = b_`y'[1..6,1...]'
                    mat b_`y' = b_`y'[1...,1], b_`y'[1...,5], b_`y'[1...,6], b_`y'[1...,4]
                    foreach y of global outcomes_continuous {
                    reg `y' $covariates
                    margins, dydx(*) post
                    mat b_`y' = r(table)
                    mat b_`y' = b_`y'[1..6,1...]'
                    mat b_`y' = b_`y'[1...,1], b_`y'[1...,5], b_`y'[1...,6], b_`y'[1...,4]
                    local i = 1
                    foreach var of global covariates {
                    mat `var' = J(1,4,0)
                    foreach y of global outcomes {
                    mat `var' = `var' \ b_`y'[`i',1...]
                    mat `var' = `var'[2...,1...]
                    mat rownames `var' = $outcomes_binary $outcomes_continuous $outcomes_ordinal0 $outcomes_ordinal5 $outcomes_ordinal4
                    mat colnames `var' = `var' ci_l ci_h
                    local i = `i' + 1
                    coefplot matrix(age[,1]), ci((age[,2] age[,3])) ///
                    || matrix(lwt[,1]), ci((lwt[,2] lwt[,3])) ///
                    || matrix(ptl[,1]), ci((ptl[,2] ptl[,3])) ///
                    ||, scheme(s1color) xline(0) byopts(row(1)) xlab(-200(200)200 ///
                    ,format(%9.0f)) mlabel mlabposition(2) format(%9.3f) saving(graph1, replace)
                    coefplot matrix(age[,1]), ci((age[,2] age[,3])) eform($outcomes_binary) ///
                    || matrix(lwt[,1]), ci((lwt[,2] lwt[,3])) eform($outcomes_binary) ///
                    || matrix(ptl[,1]), ci((ptl[,2] ptl[,3])) eform($outcomes_binary) ///
                    ||, scheme(s1color) xline(0) byopts(row(1)) xlab(-200(200)200 , ///
                    format(%9.0f)) mlabel mlabposition(2) format(%9.3f) saving(graph2, replace)
                    graph combine graph1.gph graph2.gph, col(1) scheme(s1color)
                    Last edited by Andrew Musau; 07 Nov 2020, 23:12.


                    • #11
                      Thanks for your reply!
                      I was now able to make the same figure!

                      However, the labels of the odds ratios in the coefplot do not correspond with the actual odds ratios.
                      For example the odds ratios retrieved by this command show different numbers than the labels that are displayed in the figure:
                      foreach y of global outcomes_binary {
                      logit `y' $covariates, or
                      mat b_`y' = r(table)
                      mat b_`y' = b_`y'[1..6,1...]'
                      mat b_`y' = b_`y'[1...,1], b_`y'[1...,5], b_`y'[1...,6], b_`y'[1...,4]

                      How can I change the command to display the true odds ratios ?

                      Thanks in advance!


                      • #12
                        How can I change the command to display the true odds ratios ?
                        if you want odds ratios, plot the original coefficients. What you get are the exponentiated marginal effects which make no sense. As I said in #8, you do not present the exact code that generates the graph in #1. The code that you present is not it. Exit the loop and consider the following:

                        . webuse lbw
                        (Hosmer & Lemeshow data)
                        . logit low  age lwt ptl ht ui
                        Iteration 0:   log likelihood =   -117.336  
                        Iteration 1:   log likelihood = -105.93804  
                        Iteration 2:   log likelihood = -105.67556  
                        Iteration 3:   log likelihood = -105.67471  
                        Iteration 4:   log likelihood = -105.67471  
                        Logistic regression                             Number of obs     =        189
                                                                        LR chi2(5)        =      23.32
                                                                        Prob > chi2       =     0.0003
                        Log likelihood = -105.67471                     Pseudo R2         =     0.0994
                                 low |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
                                 age |  -.0437459   .0343065    -1.28   0.202    -.1109853    .0234935
                                 lwt |   -.014534   .0066853    -2.17   0.030    -.0276368   -.0014311
                                 ptl |   .6842166   .3442857     1.99   0.047      .009429    1.359004
                                  ht |   1.892711   .7001172     2.70   0.007     .5205062    3.264915
                                  ui |   .7407733   .4479599     1.65   0.098    -.1372119    1.618759
                               _cons |   1.655227   1.068401     1.55   0.121    -.4388003    3.749255
                        . margins, dydx(*) post
                        Average marginal effects                        Number of obs     =        189
                        Model VCE    : OIM
                        Expression   : Pr(low), predict()
                        dy/dx w.r.t. : age lwt ptl ht ui
                                     |            Delta-method
                                     |      dy/dx   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
                                 age |  -.0082361   .0063741    -1.29   0.196    -.0207292    .0042569
                                 lwt |  -.0027363   .0012107    -2.26   0.024    -.0051094   -.0003633
                                 ptl |   .1288187   .0623697     2.07   0.039     .0065764    .2510611
                                  ht |   .3563441    .122653     2.91   0.004     .1159487    .5967396
                                  ui |   .1394668   .0820712     1.70   0.089    -.0213899    .3003234
                        . mat b_low = r(table)
                        . mat b_low = b_low[1..6,1...]'
                        . mat b_low = b_low[1...,1], b_low[1...,5], b_low[1...,6], b_low[1...,4]
                        . mat l b_low
                                      b          ll          ul      pvalue
                        age  -.00823613  -.02072915    .0042569   .19631486
                        lwt  -.00273634  -.00510935  -.00036332   .02381863
                        ptl   .12881873   .00657639   .25106106   .03888459
                         ht   .35634413   .11594868   .59673959   .00366898
                         ui   .13946676  -.02138986   .30032337   .08925544
                        The highlighted value -0.008 is the marginal effect on age in the graph in #8. It seems to me that all you do to get the graph in #1 is to multiply the marginal effects on the binary variables by 100. If you did not write the code, I would advise you to go through it line by line (exiting the loop as I did above) to understand what it is doing. For your specific question, the following highlighted modifications will get you the graph in #1. You should extract the coefficients directly from the regression to plot the odds ratios.

                        webuse lbw
                        global outcomes_binary "low smoke"
                        global outcomes_continuous "bwt"
                        global outcomes "$outcomes_binary $outcomes_continuous"
                        global covariates "age lwt ptl ht ui"
                        foreach y of global outcomes_binary {
                        logit `y' $covariates
                        margins, dydx(*) post
                        mat b_`y' = r(table)
                        mat b_`y' = b_`y'[1..6,1...]'
                        mat b_`y' = b_`y'[1...,1], b_`y'[1...,5], b_`y'[1...,6], b_`y'[1...,4]
                        foreach y of global outcomes_continuous {
                        reg `y' $covariates
                        margins, dydx(*) post
                        mat b_`y' = r(table)
                        mat b_`y' = b_`y'[1..6,1...]'
                        mat b_`y' = b_`y'[1...,1], b_`y'[1...,5], b_`y'[1...,6], b_`y'[1...,4]
                        mat l b_bwt
                        local i = 1
                        foreach var of global covariates {
                        mat `var' = J(1,4,0)
                        foreach y of global outcomes{    
                        local mat= cond("`y'"!="bwt", "b_`y'[`i',1...]*100",  "b_`y'[`i',1...]")    
                        mat `var'=  `var'\ `mat'
                        mat `var' = `var'[2...,1...]
                        mat rownames `var' = $outcomes_binary $outcomes_continuous $outcomes_ordinal0 $outcomes_ordinal5 $outcomes_ordinal4
                        mat colnames `var' = `var' ci_l ci_h
                        local i = `i' + 1
                        coefplot matrix(age[,1]), ci((age[,2] age[,3])) ///
                        || matrix(lwt[,1]), ci((lwt[,2] lwt[,3])) ///
                        || matrix(ptl[,1]), ci((ptl[,2] ptl[,3])) ///
                        ||, scheme(s1color) xline(0) byopts(row(1)) xlab(-200(200)200 ///
                        ,format(%9.0f)) mlabel mlabposition(2) format(%9.3f) saving(graph1, replace)
                        Click image for larger version

Name:	Graph.png
Views:	1
Size:	17.5 KB
ID:	1580807

                        Last edited by Andrew Musau; 08 Nov 2020, 05:37.


                        • #13
                          Thanks for your reply. The first graph is indeed showing the true margins multiplied by 100.

                          My question is about visualizing the odds ratios in a coefplot.

                          When I compute the odds ratios of low it results in this table:

                          logistic low age lwt ptl ht ui

                          Logistic regression Number of obs = 189
                          LR chi2(5) = 23.32
                          Prob > chi2 = 0.0003
                          Log likelihood = -105.67471 Pseudo R2 = 0.0994

                          low | Odds Ratio Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
                          age | .9571971 .032838 -1.28 0.202 .8949519 1.023772
                          lwt | .9855711 .0065888 -2.17 0.030 .9727416 .9985699
                          ptl | 1.982218 .6824495 1.99 0.047 1.009474 3.892316
                          ht | 6.637336 4.646913 2.70 0.007 1.682879 26.17789
                          ui | 2.097557 .9396213 1.65 0.098 .8717855 5.046821
                          _cons | 5.23427 5.592299 1.55 0.121 .6448095 42.48941

                          When I use your command, the odds ratio of low (birthweight <2500g) for age is displayed as 0.439 instead of the 0.957 in the table above.

                          Click image for larger version

Name:	graph.png
Views:	1
Size:	35.4 KB
ID:	1580809

                          What command can I use to put the true odds ratios in a coefplot?

                          Thanks in advance!


                          • #14
                            As I said in #12, it's a matter of plotting the coefficients. If I want to plot the odds ratios from your regression example, I would simply do

                            webuse lbw
                            logistic low age lwt ptl ht ui
                            coefplot, eform scheme(s1color) mlabel mlabposition(2) format(%9.3f)

                            Now, the only additional thing that the code in #1 does it to extract specific coefficients, put them in matrices and plot them. As you already do this for marginal effects, adapting it to the raw coefficients is straightforward. I do not have the time to illustrate step by step how you should adapt the code. If you are unable to figure it out, someone else in the forum may help. If not, ask a colleague who has experience with Stata.
                            Last edited by Andrew Musau; 08 Nov 2020, 07:48.


                            • #15
                              Coming back to this, note that by adding the option -predict(xb)- to the margins command, you get back the coefficients. Therefore, you can use this to plot the coefficients via the margins results. That said, you often learn Stata programming by doing, so I would still encourage you to attempt to write code that extracts the coefficients directly.

                              webuse lbw
                              global outcomes_binary "low smoke"
                              global outcomes_continuous "bwt"
                              global outcomes "$outcomes_binary $outcomes_continuous"
                              global covariates "age lwt ptl ht ui"
                              foreach y of global outcomes_binary {
                              logit `y' $covariates
                              margins, dydx(*) post predict(xb)
                              mat b_`y' = r(table)
                              mat b_`y' = b_`y'[1..6,1...]'
                              mat b_`y' = b_`y'[1...,1], b_`y'[1...,5], b_`y'[1...,6], b_`y'[1...,4]
                              foreach y of global outcomes_continuous {
                              reg `y' $covariates
                              margins, dydx(*) post 
                              mat b_`y' = r(table)
                              mat b_`y' = b_`y'[1..6,1...]'
                              mat b_`y' = b_`y'[1...,1], b_`y'[1...,5], b_`y'[1...,6], b_`y'[1...,4]
                              mat l b_bwt
                              local i = 1
                              foreach var of global covariates {
                              mat `var' = J(1,4,0)
                              foreach y of global outcomes{       
                              mat `var'=  `var'\ b_`y'[`i',1...]
                              mat `var' = `var'[2...,1...]
                              mat rownames `var' = $outcomes_binary $outcomes_continuous $outcomes_ordinal0 $outcomes_ordinal5 $outcomes_ordinal4
                              mat colnames `var' = `var' ci_l ci_h
                              local i = `i' + 1
                              coefplot matrix(age[,1]), ci((age[,2] age[,3])) eform($outcomes_binary) ///
                              || matrix(lwt[,1]), ci((lwt[,2] lwt[,3])) eform($outcomes_binary) ///
                              || matrix(ptl[,1]), ci((ptl[,2] ptl[,3])) eform($outcomes_binary) ///
                              ||, scheme(s1color) xline(0) byopts(row(1)) xlab(-200(200)200 , ///
                              format(%9.0f)) mlabel mlabposition(2) format(%9.3f)
                              Click image for larger version

Name:	Graph.png
Views:	1
Size:	17.5 KB
ID:	1580879

