I was wondering whether someone could help me get less confused.
I have run a logit model , where the dependent variable is binary and the independent variable is a country dummy. It is conditioned on a subsample of people aged 16-24.
Specifically, I have run the following code:
I get the following results:
My question is: How can the confidence interval include a negative number, when I am running a logit regression? They shouldn't be odds ratios as I didn't specify that option in the command? Should it not be bounded by 0 and 1 like the coefficient?
I was wondering whether someone could help me get less confused.
I have run a logit model , where the dependent variable is binary and the independent variable is a country dummy. It is conditioned on a subsample of people aged 16-24.
Specifically, I have run the following code:
svy: logit Learning i.country if Agegroup==1 margins, dydx(country)
Number of strata = 10 Number of obs = 37,109 Number of PSUs = 37,109 Population size = 7,554,754 Design df = 37,099 F( 1, 37099) = 1.87 Prob > F = 0.1710 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Linearized Learning | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- 1.country | .0546632 .0399255 1.37 0.171 -.023592 .1329184 _cons | -1.160101 .0146527 -79.17 0.000 -1.188821 -1.131381 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Conditional marginal effects Number of strata = 10 Number of obs = 37,109 Number of PSUs = 37,109 Population size = 7,554,754 Model VCE : Linearized Design df = 37,099 Expression : Pr(Learning), predict() dy/dx w.r.t. : 1.country ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Delta-method | dy/dx Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- 1.country | .0100735 .007433 1.36 0.175 -.0044955 .0246424 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------