I have a question regarding using a locally stored scalar and exporting it to LaTeX
I have used a stata package that corrects p-values and stores its result in e class that I have stored as follows:
Suppose, store_mat = 0.03
Further, I run use the package again to get the e() matrix and store it again as follows
Suppose, store_mat_2 = 0.04
Next, I want store_mat and store_mat2 to appear in my LaTeX table below the estimated coefficient, std errors, and p-value and assign stars based on the corrected p-values
I understand that my usage of the esttab command is incorrect and i need to figure a way out to display the store_mat and store_mat_2 against respective models.
I have a question regarding using a locally stored scalar and exporting it to LaTeX
I have used a stata package that corrects p-values and stores its result in e class that I have stored as follows:
eststo model1: reg y x, vce(cluster id) <run package that yields the e() class output and gives me corrected p-values> matrix n = e(AB) matrix list n scalar store_mat = n[1,1]
Further, I run use the package again to get the e() matrix and store it again as follows
eststo model2: reg y x, vce(cluster id) <run package that yields the e() class output and gives me corrected p-values> matrix m = e(AB) matrix list m scalar store_mat_2= m[1,1]
Next, I want store_mat and store_mat2 to appear in my LaTeX table below the estimated coefficient, std errors, and p-value and assign stars based on the corrected p-values
#delimit ; esttab model1 model2 using "table.tex", replace cells(b(fmt(3) star) se(par fmt(2)) p(par({ })) store_mat(par([ ])) store_mat_2(par([ ]))) label star(* 0.10 ** 0.05 *** 0.01) stats(N , label ("N") fmt(0)) style(tex) keep(dv) noobs nonotes ; #delimit cr
I understand that my usage of the esttab command is incorrect and i need to figure a way out to display the store_mat and store_mat_2 against respective models.