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  • #16
    Hi Clyde,

    Thank you so much this works perfectly! Much appreciated!

    And fortunately with your help, I was able to detect the error: I was using an additional variable without noticing (I have over 55 regressors, so I accidentally included x22 along with x2). Now it runs perfectly. Thank you and sorry for all the complication. Now both codes work.

    I bring two followup questions, hopefully much simpler:

    1. Is there any way I can get sig_05 to show more than one decimal place? I've tried command dp(#) but it doesn't seem to work.

    2. The average coefficients over the 28 models is, I assume, an equally weighted average. What if I want to weight each regression by its log-likelihood (stored in e(ll) I think). Is there a way to do this?

    Thank you so much and sorry for all the trouble.


    • #17
      1. You can apply whatever display format you like to sig_05 once you are past the -collapse- command. In the code, as I wrote it, I didn't specify anything and Stata defaulted it to %8.0g--which when I ran it with your example data gives sig_05 to 5 or 6 decimal places. It goes down to 0 decimal places when sig_05 is 1, and to a single decimal place when sig_05 is 0.5. If you want two decimal places in all cases, -format sig05 %3.2f- anywhere after -collapse- and before -list- will do that.

      2. Um, -regress- does not have a log likelihood. Even if you have modified the code to use with a different regression command, like -probit-, that does have one, I don't think weighting by e(ll) would make sense. I say that because of the way that software programs estimate maximum likelihood. Likelihood functions, correctly formulated, often contain multiplicative constants. Those multiplicative constants do not affect the values of the parameters that maximize the likelihood. So to improve efficiency, such constants are often stripped out of the calculation in the maximization process. That has the effect of removing an additive constant from the log-likelihood. So the "log-likelihood" results you see may not really be the log of the maximized likelihood--they may be that modified by some additive constant. For nearly all purposes, this is not a problem, because when log-likelihoods are used subsequently it is usually to compare the difference in log likelihoods between two models (as, for example, when doing a likelihood ratio test, or a comparing AIC or BIC between two models). Since the same additive constant has been stripped out in each case, the difference is the same as the difference between the real log-likelihoods. But the ratio of two of these "log-likelihoods" is not going to be correct. And when you are using weights, it is the ratios of the various weights that matter.


      • #18
        regarding the beginning of Clyde Schechter 's #2, yes, -regress- does have and returns a log likelihood; after estimating -regress-, type -ereturn li- and you will see it in "e(ll)"


        • #19
          Interesting! I wasn't aware of that. I knew that least squares estimation is equivalent to maximum likelihood, and a likelihood can be calculated, but I didn't realize Stata actually did that. Thanks for correcting that.


          • #20
            you're welcome - and note that within Stata there are 2 easy checks for things like this: in addition to the above check the post-estimation commands and if -estat ic- is available (as it is after -regress-), then the log-likelihood must be available also


            • #21
              Thank you both for your answers.

              Clyde, your argument is very sensible and makes a lot of sense. Thank you once again. But if I wanted to weight the regressions (with any weight at all, I don't have one yet, I am just experimenting with the data, I'm still a newbie and I think this is a good way to learn), how could I code that?

              Also, if I wanted to run this for other models (I'm attempting several regressions, namely probit and logit regressions, lets say I have variable z, binary like you did before), is there a way I could obtain the average marginal effect like I obtain the coefficients? I've attempted what you suggested in 1325756-saving-estimates-from-margins post #6, but I'm probably doing this wrong, I get:

              forvalues i = 1/`ntuples' {
                      display `"`tuple`i''"'
                      quietly probit z x1 x2 x3 `tuple`i'', vce(robust)
                      margins, dydx(*)
                      matrix B = r(b)
                      gen dydx = .
                      replace dydx = B[1, `v']
              (4,806 missing values generated)
              invalid syntax
              I was using this just before the postclose handle line.

              Thank you,
              Last edited by Danielle Laurie; 13 Oct 2020, 15:14.


              • #22
                The following code, which is substantially revised from before, even if the overall appearance is quite similar, will also give you the mean of the average marginal effect. Now, for linear regression, that will always be the same as the average coefficient. But for non-linear models it will not.
                * Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
                input int date double(roa1 roa2 pp1 pp2 pp3 x1 x3) byte x2 double(pp4 pp5 pp6)
                16110     . 16.39 2.2739999999999996 2.02 2.1119999999999997              2.169 4041 0 -.016000000000000014 . 19.666666666666668
                16111     . 15.94                  .    .                  .                  . 4041 0  -.01499999999999968 . 19.666666666666668
                16112     . 15.39              2.222 2.06              2.055              2.116 4041 0  -.01499999999999968 . 19.666666666666668
                16113     . 15.31 2.3930000000000007 1.89              2.229 2.2880000000000003 4041 0  -.01499999999999968 . 19.666666666666668
                16114 19.02 15.58              2.244 2.02 2.0829999999999997 2.1430000000000002 4041 0 -.016000000000000014 . 19.666666666666668
                16117 18.37     .              2.256 2.02              2.089 2.1510000000000002 4041 0  -.01499999999999968 . 19.666666666666668
                16118 18.02  15.4 2.2260000000000004 2.02              2.063 2.1220000000000003 4041 0 -.016000000000000014 . 19.666666666666668
                16119 17.94 15.59              2.227 2.02               2.06              2.124 4041 0 -.016000000000000014 . 19.666666666666668
                16120 17.13  15.8              2.259 2.02              2.102              2.166 4041 0  -.01499999999999968 . 19.666666666666668
                16121 17.96 16.04 2.2560000000000002 2.04 2.0949999999999998 2.1609999999999996 4041 0 -.016000000000000014 . 19.666666666666668
                16124 18.47 16.29              2.237 2.05 2.0780000000000003              2.144 4041 0 -.015000000000000568 . 19.666666666666668
                16125 19.47  15.9              2.199 2.05 2.0360000000000005 2.1029999999999998 4041 0  -.01499999999999968 . 19.666666666666668
                16126 18.81 14.93 2.1900000000000004 2.05              2.032              2.098 4041 0 -.016000000000000014 . 19.666666666666668
                16127 18.46 14.83                2.2 2.05 2.0380000000000003 2.1050000000000004 4041 0 -.015000000000000568 . 19.666666666666668
                16128 18.06 14.55               2.15 2.06              1.991 2.0580000000000003 4041 0 -.016000000000000014 . 19.666666666666668
                16131     . 14.44                  .    .                  .                  . 4008 0 -.015000000000000568 . 19.666666666666668
                16132 21.35 14.86 2.2080000000000006 2.03 2.0400000000000005 2.1120000000000005 4008 0 -.015000000000000568 . 19.666666666666668
                16133 17.67 14.55              2.293 1.99               2.13              2.199 4008 0  -.01499999999999968 . 19.666666666666668
                16134     .  14.4                  .    .                  .                  . 4008 0 -.016000000000000014 . 19.666666666666668
                16135     . 14.48              2.104 2.04              1.944              2.011 4008 0 -.016000000000000014 . 19.666666666666668
                16138     . 15.79              2.042 2.05 1.8760000000000003 1.9450000000000003 4008 0 -.015000000000000568 . 19.666666666666668
                16139     .  16.6              2.064 2.01 1.9000000000000004 1.9700000000000002 4008 0 -.016000000000000014 . 19.666666666666668
                16140 18.69 18.67                  .    .                  .                  . 4008 0 -.015000000000000568 . 19.666666666666668
                16141 23.22 20.67 1.9480000000000004 2.13              1.779              1.854 4008 0 -.015000000000000568 . 19.666666666666668
                16142 24.65  18.3              2.253 1.82 2.0809999999999995               2.16 4008 0  -.01499999999999968 . 19.666666666666668
                16145 28.77 21.13 2.0370000000000004 2.02 1.8649999999999998              1.951 4008 0  -.01499999999999968 . 19.666666666666668
                16146 27.89 20.34               2.09 2.01 1.9160000000000004 2.0040000000000004 4008 0 -.015000000000000568 . 19.666666666666668
                16147 24.41 18.11 2.0520000000000005 2.01 1.8800000000000003 1.9660000000000002 4008 0  -.01499999999999968 . 19.666666666666668
                16148 26.51 18.53 2.0540000000000003    2              1.884 1.9689999999999999 4008 0  -.01499999999999968 . 19.666666666666668
                16149    26 19.15              2.066    2              1.891 1.9769999999999999 4008 0  -.01499999999999968 . 19.666666666666668
                16152 31.74 21.58 2.0330000000000004 2.01 1.8600000000000003 1.9450000000000003 4008 0  -.01499999999999968 . 19.666666666666668
                16153 29.19 20.67 2.0290000000000004 2.03              1.858              1.943 4008 0  -.01499999999999968 . 19.666666666666668
                16154 28.37 19.81 1.9809999999999999 2.05               1.81 1.8930000000000002 4008 0  -.01499999999999968 . 19.666666666666668
                16155 25.92 17.88 1.9699999999999998 2.05 1.7960000000000003              1.879 4008 0  -.01499999999999968 . 19.666666666666668
                16156 25.05 17.33                  2 2.05 1.8200000000000003 1.9060000000000001 4008 0  -.01499999999999968 . 19.666666666666668
                16159 22.84  16.5 2.0740000000000003 2.06 1.8940000000000001 1.9810000000000003 4008 0 -.016000000000000014 . 19.666666666666668
                16160 23.61 16.28 2.0710000000000006 2.05 1.8930000000000002 1.9770000000000003 4008 0  -.01499999999999968 . 19.666666666666668
                16161 22.67 16.74 2.0450000000000004 2.06              1.871 1.9529999999999998 4031 0 -.015000000000000568 . 19.666666666666668
                16162 21.71 16.65                  .    .                  .                  . 4031 0  -.01499999999999968 . 19.666666666666668
                16163 19.04 15.64              2.225 2.03 2.0500000000000003              2.132 4031 0  -.01499999999999968 . 19.666666666666668
                16166 18.53 14.97              2.232 2.04              2.061 2.1449999999999996 4031 0  -.01499999999999968 . 19.666666666666668
                16167  20.1 15.32              2.128 2.12 1.9610000000000003               2.04 4031 0  -.01499999999999968 . 19.666666666666668
                16168 20.76 15.76                  .    .                  .                  . 4031 0  -.01499999999999968 . 19.666666666666668
                16169 20.58 16.26 2.1850000000000005 2.05              2.018 2.0970000000000004 4031 0 -.016000000000000014 . 19.666666666666668
                16170     .     .                  .    .                  .                  . 4031 0 -.015000000000000568 . 19.666666666666668
                16173     . 15.28                  .    .                  .                  . 4031 0 -.016000000000000014 . 19.666666666666668
                16174 20.84 17.26 2.2699999999999996 2.04              2.104 2.1849999999999996 4031 0  -.01499999999999968 . 19.666666666666668
                16175 22.03 15.62 2.3010000000000006 2.03 2.1380000000000003 2.2160000000000006 4031 0  -.01499999999999968 . 19.666666666666668
                16176 22.37 15.74 2.2870000000000004 2.03              2.126              2.203 4031 0 -.016000000000000014 . 19.666666666666668
                16177 19.56 14.94              2.243 2.03 2.0830000000000006              2.156 4031 0 -.015000000000000568 . 19.666666666666668
                16180 19.87 15.42 2.2550000000000003 2.02              2.092              2.169 4031 0 -.016000000000000014 . 19.666666666666668
                16181  19.3 16.67              2.286 2.02              2.131              2.203 4031 0 -.015000000000000568 . 19.666666666666668
                16182 19.84  15.6 2.3030000000000004 2.02              2.147 2.2159999999999997 4031 0 -.016000000000000014 . 19.666666666666668
                16183    18 14.61 2.2950000000000004 2.02 2.1430000000000002 2.2129999999999996 4031 0 -.016000000000000014 . 19.666666666666668
                16184 18.59 14.01              2.313 2.02              2.161              2.233 4031 0 -.016000000000000014 . 19.666666666666668
                16187  19.5 14.77              2.305 2.03 2.1570000000000005 2.2230000000000003 4031 0  -.01499999999999968 . 19.666666666666668
                16188 18.93 15.07 2.3060000000000005 2.03 2.1600000000000006 2.2230000000000003 4031 0 -.016000000000000014 . 19.666666666666668
                16189 21.14 16.29                2.3 2.04 2.1529999999999996 2.2169999999999996 4031 0 -.016000000000000014 . 19.666666666666668
                16190 22.28  16.6              2.309 2.04 2.1559999999999997 2.2219999999999995 4031 0 -.016000000000000014 . 19.666666666666668
                16191 22.73 17.19 2.2600000000000002 2.06 2.1149999999999998              2.177 4074 0  -.01499999999999968 . 19.666666666666668
                16194 22.02 16.62              2.458 1.84 2.3120000000000003               2.37 4074 0 -.016000000000000014 . 19.666666666666668
                16195 21.83 16.55              2.043 2.26 1.8970000000000002 1.9610000000000003 4074 0 -.016000000000000014 . 19.666666666666668
                16196 19.88 15.77              2.271 2.04              2.123              2.186 4074 0  -.01499999999999968 . 19.666666666666668
                16197 22.91 17.05                  .    .                  .                  . 4074 0 -.016000000000000014 . 19.666666666666668
                16198 22.99 18.13              2.337 2.11 2.1919999999999997 2.2550000000000003 4074 0 -.016000000000000014 . 19.666666666666668
                16201    26 19.77 2.3320000000000003  2.1 2.1910000000000003              2.251 4074 0 -.016000000000000014 . 19.666666666666668
                16202 24.04 18.57 2.3120000000000003 2.12 2.1719999999999997 2.2329999999999997 4074 0  -.01499999999999968 . 19.666666666666668
                16203 25.99 18.14                  .    .                  .                  . 4074 1 -.016000000000000014 . 19.666666666666668
                16204 25.42 18.86 2.4570000000000003 2.03              2.318 2.3750000000000004 4074 1 -.016000000000000014 . 19.666666666666668
                16205 25.28 18.47 2.4200000000000004 2.03 2.2790000000000004 2.3350000000000004 4074 1 -.016000000000000014 . 19.666666666666668
                16208 26.76 19.96              2.384 2.03              2.243              2.299 4074 1  -.01499999999999968 . 19.666666666666668
                16209 25.34 19.33              2.406 2.03 2.2630000000000003 2.3190000000000004 4074 1 -.016000000000000014 . 19.666666666666668
                16210 23.29 18.93              2.461 2.02              2.323 2.3770000000000002 4074 1 -.016000000000000014 . 19.666666666666668
                16211  23.6 18.67              2.445 2.02 2.3080000000000003 2.3640000000000003 4074 1  -.01499999999999968 . 19.666666666666668
                16212 22.38 18.49              2.424 2.03               2.28 2.3380000000000005 4074 1 -.016000000000000014 . 19.666666666666668
                16215 24.88 18.08 2.4440000000000004 2.03              2.307              2.363 4074 1 -.016000000000000014 . 19.666666666666668
                16216 21.35 15.96 2.4310000000000005 2.03 2.2920000000000003 2.3489999999999998 4074 1 -.016000000000000014 . 19.666666666666668
                16217 21.05 15.97 2.4010000000000002 2.03 2.3000000000000003               2.32 4074 1 -.016000000000000014 . 19.666666666666668
                16218  20.7 15.28              2.358 2.03              2.254              2.275 4074 1  -.01499999999999968 . 19.666666666666668
                16219 20.26  15.5 2.3949999999999996 2.04 2.2880000000000003 2.3120000000000003 4074 1 -.016000000000000014 . 19.666666666666668
                16222 21.23     . 2.4190000000000005 2.05              2.324              2.346 4180 1 -.016000000000000014 . 19.666666666666668
                16223 22.45  16.3              2.434 2.04 2.3289999999999997 2.3529999999999998 4180 1 -.016000000000000014 . 19.666666666666668
                16224 20.74 16.08 2.4680000000000004 2.02              2.363              2.389 4180 1 -.016000000000000014 . 19.666666666666668
                16225 20.76 17.03                  .    .                  .                  . 4180 1 -.016000000000000014 . 19.666666666666668
                16226 19.33 16.78 1.7489999999999997 2.75 1.6449999999999996 1.6639999999999997 4180 1 -.016000000000000014 . 19.666666666666668
                16229 19.43 15.39 1.9570000000000003 2.53 1.8530000000000002 1.8729999999999998 4180 1 -.016000000000000014 . 19.666666666666668
                16230 19.07 15.01              2.537 1.93 2.4350000000000005 2.4540000000000006 4180 1 -.016000000000000014 . 19.666666666666668
                16231 19.52 15.39 2.3419999999999996 2.16 2.2359999999999998 2.2560000000000002 4180 1 -.016000000000000014 . 19.666666666666668
                16232 18.41 15.04              2.378 2.13 2.2729999999999997 2.2910000000000004 4180 1 -.016000000000000014 . 19.666666666666668
                16233 18.17     .                  .    .                  .                  . 4180 1 -.016000000000000014 . 19.666666666666668
                16236  20.5 16.07 2.4979999999999998 2.03 2.3930000000000002              2.411 4180 1 -.016000000000000014 . 19.666666666666668
                16237 18.15 15.05 2.4170000000000003 2.03 2.3160000000000003              2.329 4180 1 -.016000000000000014 . 19.666666666666668
                16238 17.67 14.79              2.448 2.03 2.3430000000000004              2.363 4180 1 -.016000000000000014 . 19.666666666666668
                16239 18.75 15.15              2.459 2.03              2.355 2.3720000000000003 4180 1 -.016000000000000014 . 19.666666666666668
                16240 18.18 14.99              2.429 2.03              2.323 2.3380000000000005 4180 1 -.016000000000000014 . 19.666666666666668
                16243 17.72 15.26              2.414 2.03              2.312              2.328 4180 1 -.016000000000000014 . 19.666666666666668
                16244  18.8 14.31              2.435 2.03 2.3320000000000003               2.35 4180 1 -.017000000000000348 . 19.666666666666668
                16245 17.92 13.98 2.4340000000000006 2.03 2.3330000000000006 2.3510000000000004 4180 1 -.016000000000000014 . 19.666666666666668
                16246 17.83 14.81 2.3700000000000006 2.03 2.2690000000000006              2.286 4180 1 -.016000000000000014 . 19.666666666666668
                16247 18.11 15.19 2.3869999999999996 2.04              2.285 2.3019999999999996 4180 1 -.016000000000000014 . 19.666666666666668
                format %tdnn/dd/CCYY date
                //  CREATE VARIABLE LISTS
                local dvar x1   // DEPENDENT VARIABLE
                local always_vars x2 x3 //  INDEPENDENT VARIABLES APPEARING IN ALL REGRESSIONS
                local tlist roa1 roa2 pp1 pp2 pp3 pp4 pp5 pp6  // VARIABLES FOR TUPLES
                //  YOU CAN JUST USE -tuples- INSTEAD
                local nvars: word count `tlist'
                local ntuples = 0
                forvalues i = 1/`nvars' {
                    forvalues j = `=`i'+1'/`nvars' {
                        local v1: word `i' of `tlist'
                        local v2: word `j' of `tlist'
                        local ++ntuples
                        local tuple`ntuples' `v1' `v2'
                //    THE CODE YOU WANT BEGINS HERE
                tempfile results
                capture postutil clear
                local results_vars
                foreach v of varlist `always_vars' `tlist' {
                    local results_vars `results_vars' b_`v' se_`v'
                foreach v of varlist `always_vars' `tlist' {
                    local results_vars `results_vars' ame_`v'
                postfile handle `results_vars' using `results'
                forvalues i = 1/`ntuples' {
                     display `"`tuple`i''"'
                     capture noisily regress `dvar' `always_vars' `tuple`i'', vce(robust)
                     if c(rc) == 0 {
                         local topost `initial'
                         foreach v of varlist `always_vars' `tlist' {
                             if strpos("`e(cmdline)'", "`v'") {
                                 local topost `topost' (`=_b[`v']') (`=_se[`v']')
                             else {
                                 local topost `topost' (.) (.)
                         margins, dydx(*) post
                         foreach v of varlist `always_vars' `tlist' {
                              if strpos("`e(xvars)'", "`v'") {
                                 local topost `topost' (`=_b[`v']')
                             else {
                                 local topost `topost' (.)
                         post handle `topost'
                     else if inlist(c(rc), 2000, 2001) { // NO, OR TOO FEW OBSERVATIONS
                         display as error "Unexpected error with `tuple`i''"
                postclose handle
                use `results', clear
                local critical_value_5 = invnormal(0.975)
                foreach v in `always_vars' `tlist' {
                     gen byte sig05_`v' = abs(b_`v'/se_`v') > `critical_value_5' ///
                        if !missing(b_`v', se_`v')
                    order sig05_`v', after(se_`v')
                //    THEN MAKE A TABLE
                collapse (mean) _all
                gen one = 1
                reshape long b_ se_ ame_ sig05_, i(one) j(varname) string
                rename *_ *
                drop one
                list, noobs clean
                I don't have any good ideas for the weighting you want to do. You might consider weighting the mean of each coefficient by the inverse of its standard error square. But there is nothing analogous that you could do with the standard errors or significance levels. And while I could imagine, for linear regressions, weighting those standard errors and sig05 by the inverse square of e(rmse), there would be nothing analogous to this for the non-linear models.

                Concerning the code you show near the end of #21, the syntax error arises because in your -replace- command you reference a local macro `v' which does not exist at that point in the code. Also, when you fix that, to actually get what you want, it would have to be B[1, "`v'"]. Anyway, the code shown above handles the marginal effects and is a little cleaner.


                • #23
                  It runs perfectly, thank you very much! I appreciate all your kind advice.



                  • #24
                    Hello again,

                    I was attempting to do the regression weighting as before, following Clyde Schechter's helpful advice to Jonas Bollinger on post 1577628-e-r2_p-as-a-weight-on-a-loop-of-regressions #4, to try and weight the regressions by the pseudo R^2 of each model and tried to code it as follows:

                    tempfile results
                    capture postutil clear
                    local results_vars
                    foreach v of varlist `always_vars' `tlist' {
                        local results_vars `results_vars' b_`v' se_`v'
                    foreach v of varlist `always_vars' `tlist' {
                        local results_vars `results_vars' ame_`v'
                    postfile handle `results_vars' r2p using `results'
                    forvalues i = 1/`ntuples' {
                         quietly probit `dvar' `always_vars' `tuple`i'', vce(robust)
                         if c(rc) == 0 {
                             local topost
                             foreach v of varlist `always_vars' `tlist' {
                                 if strpos("`e(cmdline)'", "`v'") {
                                     local topost `topost' (`=_b[`v']') (`=_se[`v']')
                                 else {
                                     local topost `topost' (.) (.) (.)
                                 local topost `topost' (`e(r2_p)')
                             quietly margins, dydx(*) post
                             foreach v of varlist `always_vars' `tlist' {
                                  if strpos("`e(xvars)'", "`v'") {
                                     local topost `topost' (`=_b[`v']')
                                 else {
                                     local topost `topost' (.)
                             post handle `topost'
                         else if inlist(c(rc), 2000, 2001) { // NO, OR TOO FEW OBSERVATIONS
                         else { //  REGRESSION FAILED DUE UNEXPECTED PROBLEM: ABORT
                             display as error "Unexpected error with `tuple`i''"
                    postclose handle
                    However, I run into:

                    postfile: variable r2p already exists
                    I think I'm probably just placing the -local topost `topost' (`e(r2_p)')- in the wrong place, but I have no idea where to place it to fix this.

                    Also, after capturing the weight appropriately, in order to present the table with the average, weighted betas and marginal effects, should I generate a new variable? Or does using [aweight = r2p] in front of _b and _ame is enough? I have no idea how to include this new info in the presenting table.

                    Again, sorry for all the trouble, and forever indebted to all you of who might take the time to answer this.



                    • #25
                      First, a disclaimer. I could not replicate the error you are getting. Your code does not work, and I have identified some errors in it (see below), but I could not get Stata to give me the particular error message you are getting. So I suspect that in addition to what I have found wrong, there is some other problem, perhaps arising out of other parts of the code that you have not shown me.

                      You do have -local topost `topost' (`e(r2_p)') in the wrong place. Since r2p is the last variable in the results file, this has to be the last thing added to `topost'. So, it has to be the very last command in the -if c(rc) == 0- block. But, there's a slight complication. After the means and standard deviations are tacked onto `topost', we then do -margins, post-, which will cause e(r2_p) to be erased. So before we run -margins, post- we have to save the value of e(r2_p) in a local macro, and then use that in the -post- command when we get to it. Finally, there is one other mistake in your code. The command -local topost `topost' (.) (.) (.)- should only have two missing value expressions, not three.

                      To test this code, I have put back my proxy code for -tuples- and also set up some fake toy data. With this, the following code runs without error messages and produces sensible looking results:

                      //  CREATE A TOY DATA SET
                      set seed 12345
                      set obs 100
                      local dvar y
                      gen `dvar' = runiformint(0, 1)
                      local always_vars x1 x2 x3
                      foreach a of local always_vars {
                          gen `a' = rnormal()
                      local tlist w1 w2 w3 w4
                      foreach t of local tlist {
                          gen `t' = rnormal()
                      local nvars: word count `tlist'
                      //  SUBSTITUTE FOR -tuples.ado-
                      local ntuples = 0
                      forvalues i = 1/`nvars' {
                          forvalues j = `=`i'+1'/`nvars' {
                              local v1: word `i' of `tlist'
                              local v2: word `j' of `tlist'
                              local ++ntuples
                              local tuple`ntuples' `v1' `v2'
                      //  THE MAIN EVENT BEGINS HERE
                      tempfile results
                      capture postutil clear
                      local results_vars
                      foreach v of varlist `always_vars' `tlist' {
                          local results_vars `results_vars' b_`v' se_`v'
                      foreach v of varlist `always_vars' `tlist' {
                          local results_vars `results_vars' ame_`v'
                      postfile handle `results_vars' r2p using `results'
                      forvalues i = 1/`ntuples' {
                           quietly probit `dvar' `always_vars' `tuple`i'', vce(robust)
                           if c(rc) == 0 {
                               local topost
                               foreach v of varlist `always_vars' `tlist' {
                                   if strpos("`e(cmdline)'", "`v'") {
                                       local topost `topost' (`=_b[`v']') (`=_se[`v']')
                                   else {
                                       local topost `topost' (.) (.) // NOTE ONLY TWO EXPRESSIONS, NOT THREE
                               local er2p = e(r2_p) // NOTE HAVE TO SAVE VALUE OF e(r2p) FOR LATER USE
                               quietly margins, dydx(*) post // ERASES e(r2p)
                               foreach v of varlist `always_vars' `tlist' {
                                    if strpos("`e(xvars)'", "`v'") {
                                       local topost `topost' (`=_b[`v']')
                                   else {
                                       local topost `topost' (.)
                                   local topost `topost' (`er2p') // NOTE CORRECT PLACEMENT OF THIS COMMAND
                               post handle `topost'
                           else if inlist(c(rc), 2000, 2001) { // NO, OR TOO FEW OBSERVATIONS
                           else { //  REGRESSION FAILED DUE UNEXPECTED PROBLEM: ABORT
                               display as error "Unexpected error with `tuple`i''"
                      postclose handle
                      use `results', clear
                      list, noobs clean
                      summ [aweight = r2p]
                      Last edited by Clyde Schechter; 18 Oct 2020, 16:26.


                      • #26
                        Thanks once again Clyde. You are really saving my work.

                        I just have one (hopefully final!!) question:

                        Using -summ [aweight = r2p]- gives me a list of all the b_ se_ and ame_ per variable, where instead of having a column for the weighted betas I have a row for the beta of x1.
                        Running exactly your code (seed and all), I get:

                         Variable |     Obs      Weight        Mean   Std. Dev.       Min        Max
                                b_x1 |       6  .206150087   -.0111409    .025058   -.033048   .0182027
                               se_x1 |       6  .206150087    .1208577   .0030671   .1172353   .1236351
                                b_x2 |       6  .206150087    .2182712   .0080128    .205728   .2291215
                               se_x2 |       6  .206150087    .1336522   .0020558   .1316489   .1359968
                                b_x3 |       6  .206150087   -.0654246   .0102642  -.0745585  -.0512666
                               se_x3 |       6  .206150087    .1219312   .0018676   .1196898   .1234253
                                b_w1 |       3  .103742743   -.1092334   .0027095  -.1125301  -.1075864
                               se_w1 |       3  .103742743    .1176135   .0011195   .1167258   .1188956
                                b_w2 |       3  .119292043   -.1889954   .0032195  -.1927291  -.1863691
                               se_w2 |       3  .119292043    .1430961   .0009217    .142335    .144135
                                b_w3 |       3  .097040698    .0764421   .0058489   .0726009   .0831995
                               se_w3 |       3  .097040698    .1262231   .0015481   .1247661   .1276716
                                b_w4 |       3  .092224689    .0254461   .0121822   .0127919   .0366504
                               se_w4 |       3  .092224689    .1243392   .0015281   .1227453   .1256964
                              ame_x1 |       6  .206150087   -.0041569   .0094533  -.0123836    .006947
                              ame_x2 |       6  .206150087    .0824262   .0030202   .0779459   .0863474
                              ame_x3 |       6  .206150087   -.0246859   .0037242  -.0279382  -.0195656
                              ame_w1 |       3  .103742743   -.0412448    .001201  -.0426352  -.0403143
                              ame_w2 |       3  .119292043   -.0710259   .0013484  -.0726324   -.070068
                              ame_w3 |       3  .097040698    .0289309   .0022734   .0272953   .0315225
                              ame_w4 |       3  .092224689    .0096307   .0045549    .004882   .0138122
                                 r2p |       6  .206150087    .0353735   .0063294   .0257299   .0426146
                        This isn't really concerning issue, its just a technicality of presentation I suppose.
                        If I wanted to get a table more in the lines of what you did without the weights:

                        varname        b         ame            se    sig05      
                        pp1         .7621593     0.5532      .031944    .75
                        pp2        -.4605175     0.0367       .03946    .75  
                        pp3         1.045931     0.3758      .026136      1
                        roa1        .0040047     0.0134      .001926    .25  
                        roa2       -.0068664     0.4872     .0030597    .25  
                        x3         -.0000639     0.3848     .0000592     .5
                        but where the columns are already weighted, this would be ideal for me.

                        I've tried reshaping the data like you suggest in your original code:

                        collapse (mean) _all
                        gen one = 1
                        reshape long b_ se_ ame_ sig05_, i(one) j(varname) string
                        rename *_ *
                        drop one
                        list, noobs clean
                        summ [aweight = r2p]
                        But this makes it even worse because -list, noobs clean- only adds an additional column reporting the r2p and when using -summ [aweight = r2p]- now I lose the variables entirely:

                          Variable |     Obs      Weight        Mean   Std. Dev.       Min        Max
                             varname |       0           0
                                   b |       7  .240508441   -.0073091   .1325852   -.189077   .2181071
                                  se |       7  .240508441    .1267443   .0088585   .1177071   .1430928
                                 ame |       7  .240508441    -.002681   .0500337  -.0710655   .0824555
                                 r2p |       7  .240508441    .0343583          0   .0343583   .0343583
                               sig05 |       0           0
                        Makes me wonder if -summ- is really the correct command in this case, but then again, I am not aware if any other can take the [aweight = r2p] option. I though about generating a variable with the coefficients weighted by the r2p, but I don't know how to do this either, nor do I know if it's a viable option.

                        I appreciate all the help you've given me so far (seriously, I am beyond grateful). Here's to hoping you'll have some clues on how to solve this small riddle (at least for me) as well.



                        • #27
                          To get the layout you are looking for, take the code in #25 up through (including) -use `results', clear-. Then add:

                          foreach x in mean min max {
                              local `x's
                              foreach v of varlist `results_vars' {
                                  local `x's ``x's' `x'_`v' = `v'
                          collapse (mean) `means' (min) `mins' (max) `maxs' [aweight = r2p]
                          gen one = 1
                          reshape long mean_b_ min_b_ max_b_ mean_se_ min_se_ max_se_ mean_ame_ min_ame_ max_ame_, i(one) j(variable) string
                          drop one
                          rename *_ *
                          list, noobs clean
                          to get the layout I think you are looking for.


                          • #28
                            Thanks Clyde, it is exactly that yes.

                            One small thing: to get the Significance column like before, I tried:

                            use `results', clear
                            . foreach x in mean {
                              2.     local `x's
                              3.     foreach v of varlist `results_vars' {
                              4.         local `x's ``x's' `x'_`v' = `v'
                              5.     }
                              6. }
                            . local critical_value_5 = invnormal(0.975)
                            . foreach v in `always_vars' `tlist' {
                              2.      gen byte sig05_`v' = abs(b_`v'/se_`v') > `critical_value_5' ///
                            >         if !missing(b_`v', se_`v')
                              3.      order sig05_`v', after(ame_`v')
                              4. }       
                            (3 missing values generated)
                            (3 missing values generated)
                            (3 missing values generated)
                            (3 missing values generated)
                            . collapse (mean) `means' [aweight = r2p]
                            . gen one = 1
                            . reshape long mean_b_ mean_se_ mean_ame_ sig05_, i(one) j(variable) string
                            (note: j = w1 w2 w3 w4 x1 x2 x3)
                            (note: sig05_w1 not found)
                            (note: sig05_w2 not found)
                            (note: sig05_w3 not found)
                            (note: sig05_w4 not found)
                            (note: sig05_x1 not found)
                            (note: sig05_x2 not found)
                            (note: sig05_x3 not found)
                            Data                               wide   ->   long
                            Number of obs.                        1   ->       7
                            Number of variables                  22   ->       6
                            j variable (7 values)                     ->   variable
                            xij variables:
                                  mean_b_w1 mean_b_w2 ... mean_b_x3   ->   mean_b_
                               mean_se_w1 mean_se_w2 ... mean_se_x3   ->   mean_se_
                            mean_ame_w1 mean_ame_w2 ... mean_ame_x3   ->   mean_ame_
                                     sig05_w1 sig05_w2 ... sig05_x3   ->   sig05_
                            . drop one
                            . rename *_ *
                            . list, noobs clean
                                variable      mean_b    mean_se    mean_ame   sig05  
                                      w1   -.1092334   .1176135   -.0412448       .  
                                      w2   -.1889954   .1430961   -.0710259       .  
                                      w3    .0764421   .1262231    .0289309       .  
                                      w4    .0254461   .1243392    .0096307       .  
                                      x1   -.0111409   .1208577   -.0041569       .  
                                      x2    .2182712   .1336522    .0824262       .  
                                      x3   -.0654246   .1219312   -.0246859       .
                            As you can see, nothing is recognised so I don't have the significance for anything.

                            Perhaps I'm placing the significance in the wrong place? I've tried shifting it around, but I haven't had much luck.

                            Hopefully awaiting your suggestions,

                            Thank you again,


                            • #29
                              Your code has a few problems. First, you have to calculate the sig05_* variables before you do that -foreach x in mean...- loop so that you can calculate the mean values of the sig05_* variables themselves.

                              Next, you have to include the sig05_* variables in the -foreach v of varlist...- loop inside of the one just mentioned, so that they get appropriate included in the `means' local macro that gets fed into -collapse-.

                              Finally, the -reshape- statement has to refer to mean_sig05_, not sig05_. So we get:

                              use `results', clear
                              local critical_value_5 = invnormal(0.975)
                              foreach v in `always_vars' `tlist' {
                                   gen byte sig05_`v' = abs(b_`v'/se_`v') > `critical_value_5' ///
                                   if !missing(b_`v', se_`v')
                                   order sig05_`v', after(ame_`v')
                              foreach x in mean {
                                  local `x's
                                  foreach v of varlist `results_vars' sig05_* {
                                      local `x's ``x's' `x'_`v' = `v'
                              collapse (mean) `means' [aweight = r2p]
                              gen one = 1
                              reshape long mean_b_ mean_se_ mean_ame_ mean_sig05_, i(one) j(variable) string
                              drop one
                              rename *_ *
                              list, noobs clean
                              Code that has been moved, but not changed, is in bold face. Code that has been modified is in red.


                              • #30
                                Works perfectly! Thank you so much, you just saved by research project. I appreciate it immensely!

